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The Highways of South Carolina SC 630 to 639 
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SC 630  not currently assigned
Previous SC 630's: SC 630: Appeared in 1937 or 1938 as new primary routing. Ran from SC 63 Islandton to SC 641 near Ashton.
In 1939, SC 630 was extended north to SC 64-217 Lodge.
In 1948, all 13 miles of SC 630 were downgraded to S-15-18.

SC 631  not currently assigned
Previous SC 631's: SC 631: Appeared in 1933 as new primary routing. It ran from SC 33 (current US 321) Estill east 3 miles through Lena to SC 63 (current US 601).
In 1939, SC 631 was extended east 2 miles to Nixville Crossroads.
In 1940, SC 631 was extended in both directions: east to SC 367 (current S-21-15) Grays, and west/northwest to SC 331 (current US 301) in western Allendale County. This gave SC 631 its max length at 35 miles.
In 1948, SC 631 was returned to its original 1933 routing, although its endpoints had become SC 5 and SC 36. The remaining 32 miles became secondary routes (though are part of SC 3 today).
In 1951 or 1952, SC 631 was re-extended east to SC 128 (current US 278) Grays.
SC 631 met its end in 1971 or 1972, when SC 3 was rerouted over it.

SC 632  not currently assigned
Previous SC 632's: SC 632: Appeared in 1939 as new primary routing. Ran from SC 63 to SC 36 (current US 601) Crocketville.
In 1941 or 1942, SC 632 was extended west to SC 361 (current S-25-38/139 jct), giving SC 632 a length of 7 miles.
In 1948, SC 632 was downgraded to S-25-14 and S-25-38.

SC 633  not currently assigned
Previous SC 633's: SC 633: Appeared in 1940 as new primary routing. Ran from SC 63 Islandton northwest to Moselle, then west to SC 361 (current S-25-13) Miley.
In 1948, the 8 miles of SC 633 were downgraded to S-15-38, S-15-25, and S-25-29.

SC 635  not currently assigned
Previous SC 635's: SC 635: Appeared in 1941 or 1942 as new routing. Ran 3 miles from SC 631 (current SC 3) to SC 331 (current S-3-41/49 jct) in southern Allendale County.
In 1948, SC 635 was downgraded to S-3-49.

SC 636  not currently assigned
Previous SC 636's: SC 636: Appeared in 1941 or 1942 as new primary routing. Ran from SC 63 to SC 64, parallel and 3 miles east of US 21.
In 1948, the 5 miles of SC 636 were downgraded to S-15-33.

SC 637  not currently assigned
Previous SC 637's: SC 637: Appeared in 1941 or 1942 as new primary routing. Ran from SC 633 (current S-15-25/38 jct) Moselle to SC 36 (current US 601) near the Salkehatchie River.
In 1948, the 4 miles of SC 637 were downgraded to S-15-38 and S-15-42.
SC 638  not currently assigned
Previous SC 638's: SC 638: Appeared in 1941 or 1942 as new primary routing. Ran from SC 391 Batesburg southeast to a point 2 miles past SC 245, for a total length of 4 miles.
In 1948, SC 638 was downgraded to S-32-47.

Last Update: 16 November 2004

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