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The Highways of South Carolina SC 920 to 929 
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SC 920  not currently assigned
Previous SC 920's: SC 920: Appeared in 1941 or 1942 as new primary routing, running from SC 9 (may have used part of today's S-13-32's E-W section) Pageland northeast to the North Carolina border (continued as White Store-Pageland Rd). In 1948, the 4 miles of SC 920 were downgraded to S-13-32. North Carolina's side has never been a primary route. SC 920 (1942)

SC 921  not currently assigned
Previous SC 921's: SC 921: Appeared in 1939 as new primary routing. Ran from US 176 Union south 3 miles (to about today's S-44-163). In 1940, SC 921 was extended south to SC 922 (current S-44-18) for its maximum length of 11 miles. In 1948, SC 921 was downgraded to S-44-16. SC 921 was the highest numbered route to be shown as receiving some pavement (northern half on the 1942 Official Map).
SC 921 was briefly the highest number used in South Carolina.
SC 921 (1942)

SC 922  not currently assigned
Previous SC 922's: SC 922: Appeared in 1940 as new primary routing. Ran from SC 92 (current SC 49) Cross Keys southeast to SC 921 (current S-44-16). In 1942, SC 922 was extended southeast to US 176 near its junction with SC 72-121. SC 922 was 13 miles long when it was downgraded in 1948 to S-44-18. SC 922 (1942)
SC 923  not currently assigned
Previous SC 923's: SC 923: Appeared in 1941 or 1942 as new primary routing. Ran from SC 9 (current SC 903) north to North Carolina (continued as Providence Rd), a distance of 8 miles. SC 923 was downgraded to S-29-36 and S-29-46, with a piece of S-29-28 (was SC 96) in between. SC 923 (1942)

Last Update: 10 December 2004

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