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The Highways of South Carolina US 117 
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US 117  not currently assigned
Previous US 117's: US 117: Appeared in late 1932, the same year it appeared nationally. Entered South Carolina at Little River, headed south to Myrtle Beach, then west to Socastee before heading north to its end at US 701 Conway. This had been: SC 49 from NC Line to Myrtle Beach; SC 38 from Myrtle Beach to Conway. US 117's routing was 43 miles.
Alas, US 117 was fairly short-lived. In 1935, US 117 was renumbered as US 17 from NC Line to Myrtle Beach and US 501 from Myrtle Beach to Conway.
Today, US 117 is several routes: US 17 from NC Line to Little River; SC 90 from its east end to Nixon's Crossroads; S-26-20 below the Intracoastal Waterway; US 17/US 17 Bus down to Myrtle Beach; S-26-15; SC 707 from its east end to Socastee; SC 544 from Socastee to its northern end, and US 501 Bus up to US 701.
US 117 is one of just 3 US Routes in South Carolina to have been totally decommissioned (also: 217, 401 #1)
US 117 (1932 Texaco)

Last Update: 31 August 2005

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