Isn't it lovely?
This page was last updated 8/20/2003

In other words, while we recommend visiting the following websites, we expect you to do a little critical thinking for yourselves and not just accept everything you see there -- or even here, for that matter.

This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow shows you just how fucked up this so-called "modern" world really is. - the director of Roger & Me, TV Nation, and Bowling for Columbine speaks out on all kinds of injustice.

An "IQ Test" - How much do you think you know about why the George W. Bush has sent the U.S. military to bomb the fuck out of Iraq once again? I bet this will teach you even more! I dare anyone to read this and say that the Americans should be allowed anywhere near the Middle East. Brought to you by the Information Clearing House, for news you won't see on CNN.

Information Clearing House - "News, commentary, & insight ... you won't find on CNN or Fox."

Working for Change - Looks bland on the surface, but like lots of things that are worthwhile, once you dig into it you'll find lots of good stuff.

Take Back the Media - like it says...

Adbusters - "Culture jammers" who put truth where it has never been -- in ADVERTISING! For those who "dare" to imagine a world without advertising? They describe themselves like this: "We are a global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who want to advance the new social activist movement of the information age. Our aim is to topple existing power structures and forge a major shift in the way we will live in the 21st century."

What Really Happened - It's a mess trying to put all the pieces of all the secrets of everything related to 9-11 and beyond together without getting quite confused doing so. Hell, you might even be messed up just after reading that sentence! This website lays it all out for you. Get ready for a whole new way of looking at things.

Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed - "Towards a Society based on Mutual Aid, Voluntary Cooperation & Liberation of Desire," this magazine has nothing to do with killing people or the kind of "anarchy" described by the mainstream media.

AWOL Bush - just the facts.

FAIR (Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting) - shows in well-documented detail just how "fair" and "accurate" most reporting isn't, and how the so-called "liberal media" is "more often cited than sighted."

Independent Media Center - labor, housing, forest protection, the drug war, anti-war activities, commentary and more. Heavy duty activism with lots of localized affiliates!

Free Inquiry - "Dedicated to Free Inquiry, Naturalistic Humanism, Freethought, and the Philosophies of Naturalism, Empiricism, Rationalism, and Skepticism: The Heritage of the Enlightenment that Produced Science and the Modern World." Skepticism, critical thinking, empiricism, rationalism -- the search for truth. According to the webmaster's definition of Humanism, "Humanists seek to understand the universe by using science and its methods of critical inquiry--logical reasoning, empirical evidence, and the skeptical evaluation of conjectures and conclusions--to obtain reliable knowledge."

The Daily Howler - The editor of this online paper "is best known in Washington as one of the city's most popular topical comedians," and he's got a pretty cool logo, too, according to our very own Tim Maddog.

Media Whores Online - "The site that set out to bring the media to their knees, but found they were already there." More from their self-description: "Media Whores Online takes an unbiased, in-depth look at the vast myriad of whores who call themselves 'journalists.' MWO casts a garish spotlight on the relentless screaming heads of television, the babbling paranoids of squawk radio, and the crayon scribblings of lazy print media 'journalists.'" - is a "shared web-gallery of radical arts exists to document, develop and promote the artform of the post-corporate millennium - subvertising." Butt the mispeling awn they're sight offent herts mey brian. If you can spell, send some of your own artwork, or get over there and help fix 'em up.

Cost of War - has a Javascripted "real-time" ticker of how much the war in Iraq is costing. Clicking the links below the dizzying display of dollars and nonsense will let you see how that money could be put to real use elsewhere. (Caveat: doesn't work for me in Netscape 4.77, but does work in IE 5)

AlterNet - an "infomediary" whose goals include: bringing high quality journalism to a broad audience; providing links and information that encourage engagement and inspire activism; and highlighting innovative ideas and grassroots success stories.

The Smoking Gun - "brings you exclusive documents--cool, confidential, quirky--that can't be found elsewhere on the Web. Using material obtained from government and law enforcement sources, via Freedom of Information requests, and from court files nationwide, we guarantee everything here is 100% authentic."

Iraq II: Coalition Deaths - This is the place to go for the day by day figures and the figuring of the deaths of US and UK troops in Iraq during the war (3/20 - 4/9/2003), after the fall of Baghdad (4/10 - 5/1, Mayday! Mayday!), and after Bush's declaration of "victory" (5/2 - present).

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