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The Midi I have chosen for Sisters Of Compassion Is Friends
Here is the Lyrics for this song

" True Compassion is Love in Action "

Sisters Of Compassion
All About Us

A Little About The Founder
Hi, my name is Debi

I am Better Known as D'angels to my Friends and Family here on the internet..
I have been on the Internet for about 8 years. During that time, I have met a lot of people along the way and developed some Great friendships that will last the rest of my life.. The friendships I have built have been formed from trust and love for one another. I can honestly say that some of my BEST friends are those I have met here online, women I will probably never meet in "real" life, yet we always know we are here for one another, in time of need or to share the highlights in our lives. For me, Sisters Of Compassion will allow others to find the same precious gift I have found... where we can love and support one another, share our joys, We can support one another through our hardships, to help everyone out in our day to day life.
I am 42 years old and the proud mother of One beautful daughter. Her Father( Mike ) and I have been married for 21 Years.. My daughter is my pride and joy and she brings so much happiness to my life. Heather is 20 , and was married to Chad On July 5th of 2001..
I raise, show and sell Rabbits.. Yeap you read that right Rabbits.. Cute Little Lop eared Rabbits called Holland Lops...In my spare time you will find me here online, On Aol Instant Messenger(D'angels39) or Yahoo (dhoy42), working on my website or just surfing around aimlessly. If you would like to visit my website, it can be found here. I look forward to meeting you in the SOCLounge or message board and if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me, just click HERE and drop me a line.
I look forward to getting to know you..

A Little about Our Co-Leader
My names Connie aka Buni...

Im married for 23 years with two grown kids a son who is 23 years old and in the army stationed in germany,I also have a daughter who is 20 years old who just had us our frist grandbaby November 20th... Some of my hobbies are : Reading, Gardening, Collecting Hummingbird and Butterfly items, Computer buds, and Penpaling and working on hook rugs when I can find them cheap.. :-) Id really like to get to know you ..
email me sometime at :

A Little about our Co-Leader
Hello...My name is Sharon

...(flips hair back)...I am known on the net as ANGELIZD or simply Angel... I'm not really an Angel...I just play one online ...(turns to the side and smiles)...
I am 38 years old...Married to a wonderful man who treats me like a queen ...(curtsies)...I have one son who is turning 21 this year (2002) and getting married next year (2003)... (note to self: remember not to be one of THOSE kind of mothers-in-law)...We have two dogs...One is a German Shepard named Bram...the other is a mix...Austalian Sheep Dog & Dalmation...her name is Cinder...we have a cat who is a mix of God only knows what ...Her name is Thumper...All of our pets are very very spoiled and we like it that way...(rolls out the red pet carpet)...I run a day care center out of my home...I take care of 2 full time children and 4 part time...(cracks that whip...whoooooosh...snap)...I love being able to work at home...
My hobbies include...Gardening...(pounds handle of pitch fork on ground in Green Acres fashion) Being online...surfing to see all that I can see...(proclaims loudly: I am NOT addicted...No...really...I'm not) and more recently I have decided to start remodeling my home one room at at time...(wonders there a way to do MORE than one room at a time) ...
To learn even more fun...exciting facts about can visit my "All About Me" page on my site...HAVE FUN! All About Me
Hugs to all,
Sharon Angelz Wingz

My name is Heather Anne

I am a 24 year old SAHM (stay at home mom). I am originally from Long Island, New York where I spent most of my life. I now live in Sacramento, California with my wonderful husband, Rob. Rob and I have 2 beautiful little girls and their names are Kaycee Alexis who was born on April 11th, 2000 and Kymberlee Amber who was born May 26th, 2001. I love being a part of groups on the internet that promote love and caring and have found many wonderful friends in these circles.

Hello, My name is Virginia Wilday

I am 47 yrs old. I collect TeddyBears. I also love to read romance and mysteries. I love to chat on the computer when i am home and make new friends. I am married to a Wonderful Man Jim for 27 yrs . I have 3 children.A wonderful son Mike whos a youth pastor. He is 26. Two Beautiful daughters Kristy 24 is still finishing collage. April 19. I have 1 daughter in law Abby. I am a Grandma now. I have a beautiful Granddaughter Emily Anne. I have Yahoo and aol screen name charityangelbear. msn angellovehugs P.S. Want to know more you have to e-mail me . Hugs to All

My name is Deborah

known by family and friends as Deb, Debbie, lol. I like Deborah since my Mom passed away, its my birth name :). Im 40, soooooon to be 41!! Wow how fast time flies. Im married to Bob, my friend, for just over 2 years, we've been together about 17 years now. We are both Christians, and got baptized together 10 years ago. We have never been blessed with children. Although we have been blessed with animals that live long lives, lol. We recently just buried our first cat Serissa, she was 17 years old, and just as disfunctional as us growing up, lol. We have another cat Katie , she is 15 years old now, and beginning to act a lil bit senile. And last we have a small dog, Stevie Ray, part Jack Russel Terrier and Sheltie. I know why they are called Terriers, lol, he tears around the house like a tazmaninian, LOL. My husband is a logger. I stay home. My hobbies include genealogy, folk art painting, caligraphy, gardening, and this last year the internet!!LOL. I was born and live in Canada.My Dad lives in the same community as me, as well as 3 of my 4 sisters. All my ancestors originally come from European countries. Imagine they had to come from Sweden, Norway, Scotland , and England in different periods of history, to meet , marry , and make me!! LOL. If only one never took the incredible risk of leaving their home country for a new start, I would not be here, its truly a miracle!!LOL Well I guess thats it :) Email me

My name is Leanne

I'm 53, I live in West Yorkshire in England with my husband Martin, my dog Kelsey and our pet cockatoo...appropriately called Cocky. I'm from Canada and moved here to England in November 2000 to marry Martin....we've been married now for just less than a year...our first anniversary is March 9th.
I was a widow living in Canada and Martin a widower here in Britain when we met on the internet in a computer oriented chat group. And now here we are.....married to each other!
I have 4 children....3 daugher who died in 1994 of kidney disease. My other 2 girls and one son are in Canada, and my 4 grandchildren are there too.
Martin designs and builds computer systems so he's forever taking my computer apart to change things! I work part time as a graphics designer for a web developement company here. We build and design websites for mostly industrial firms so my part of the work is primarily of a technical type of drawing....but sometimes I do get to be a little creative so I find that interesting. I really enjoy learning new graphics techniques .... it's just never to late to learn!
There are a few pictures of our little family on my website, and anyone in our group should feel welcome to email me or contact me anytime they like!
Please visit Kelsey's Graphics Expressions

My name is Patsy

Online I am known by Lady Patsy, Angel Patsy, Lady Pat, Angel Pat.
I'm 41, Born on June 20, 1960, married to Tom a wonderful man and my best friend, I am also a proud mother of a 23 year old son Jason, a 20 year old daughter Julie and a proud grand-mother of a 4 year old grand-daughter Kasadi. I was born in Val-D'Or Quebec, raised In Sudbury Ontario Canada, and now I live in Michigan USA. I love animals, I have four dogs, four cats, two birds and one Ginny pig. I love to spend time on my computer with my online friends. I have met a lot of wonderful people and made lasting friendships along the way. I also enjoy doing crafts of all kinds, and I have many other interests. You can find out more About Mefrom my page.... My main website ...Email me anytime.. You can also page me. I have YAHOO, MSN, AOL, ICQ...
Love & Hugs

Hello! My name is Melanie

and I am 45 years old, married to the love of my life, Larry, with two children. Steve is 20 and Laura is 15. I live in New Orleans, Louisiana. I have progressive multiple sclerosis and have discovered a wonderful alternative way to handle this awful disease. This past year I spent learning HTML and now have a web site to inspire others: Healing Thru Love
Larry is a jazz pianist so we live in the perfect city! Oh, before I forget, there are more in my home!! Two dogs, Ruby and Darcy, two birds, and one cat, Lexy. I look forward to becoming friends with all of you.

Sisters Of Compassion is owned and operated by Debi Founder of " Sisters Of Compassion"
All pictures and content have been Made for "Sisters Of Compassion"
and May NOT be used!
Thank you and God's many Blessings to you all..
© Copyright 2001-2002 "Sisters Of Compassion"