The Four Generations of Web Sites

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Generation 1

Characteristics of the Site:

  • Model of Communication: One-to-Many

  • Role of Visitors: Passive audience

  • Value to Users: Replaces paper, text-only documents

  • Content of Site: Text provided by site owner

Criterion Questions for a Generation 1 web site:

1. Is the Web site reminiscent of a report or book?
2. Does the site consist mostly of text with little, if any, graphic enhancement?
3. Does it seem that the text has been transferred, essentially intact, from printed documents?
4. Does the text appear to be scanned in and only minimally adjusted to the additional capabilities of the Web?
5. Is the site primarily textual but in a way that makes full use of the capabilities and advantages of the hypertext medium, supporting users in their independent and personalized use of the material?

Generation 2

Characteristics of the Site:

  • Model of Communication: One-to-Many

  • Role of Visitors: Passive audience

  • Value to Users: Replaces illustrated documents

  • Content of Site: Text, graphics, and multimedia provided by site owner

Criterion Questions for a Generation 2 web site:

1. Are visual and/or other elements used as an integral part of the design of the site?
2. Do the graphic and other multimedia enhancements increase the appeal of the site?
3.Do the visual and multimedia elements load quickly enough that you are not frustrated with awaiting their arrival?
4. Do the sound and music elements (also the animations) stop their "looping" before their interest and value has passed and they begin to become annoying?
5. Are the graphics consistent in theme and metaphor, improving the communications level of the site or otherwise enhancing its appeal?

Generation 3

Characteristics of the Site:

  • Model of Communication: One-to-One

  • Role of Visitors: Active Users

  • Value to Users: Provides engaged experiences personalized to individual users

  • Content of Site: Text, graphics, multimedia, and utilities provided by site owner

Criterion Questions for a Generation 3 web site:

1. Am I able to interact with the site?
2. Am I able to complete a task or work through an idea or plan?
3. Will the site be of possible value to someone whose needs and interests are aligned with its purpose?
4. Does the site succeed in enabling me to fully accomplish a task that is important to me, efficiently and without confusion or backtracking?

Generation 4

Characteristics of the Site:

  • Model of Communication: Many-to-Many

  • Role of Visitors: Active, engaged users inteacting with each other, contributing to the site's content (and sometimes its design)

  • Value to Users: Provides a medium for interaction among users and for accomplishing worthwhile goals

  • Content of Site: Text, graphics, multimedia, utilities, and other material provided by site owner

Criterion Questions for a Generation 4 web site:

1. Am I able to participate meaningfully in the value and life of the site?
2. Do others participate in ways that allow them to share and have a voice?
3. Does the site have a dynamic feel to it, as though its existence is, in itself, creating an opportunity for the valuable gathering of knowledge and sharing of experience?
4. Are contributions to the site coherent and constructive?