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The Final Portfolio Index of Shannon M. Morris


Welcome! This page was updated on 3/22/2005. This page is regularly updated, so come back and look for announcement of new updates! Thanks!


Project Links

Description of Project

Music Therapy FAQs

This page is a standard frequently asked question page. The subject matter is music therapy and its history. This page includes animation and clipart graphics as well as embedded music and floating images.

Framed Galaxy and nebula images

This page is created with Dreamweaver MX 2004 and uses frames to control the layout of the website. The images are from one of the galaxies or nebulae imaged by the Hubble telescope.

Common Instruments used in Music Therapy Gallery

A gallery of commonly used pianos and guitars in music therapy. this gallery was created using a table.

Midwest Catering Service

JavaScript project, which includes flashing banner images and calculators for price for items based on what type of food is wanted and number of the items ordered.

Native Americans

A frame website with information about and photographs related to the Cherokee, Lakota, and Navajo. This site also includes JavaScript enhancements, such as a Jump Menu and greeting.

Campus Computers

JavaScript project, which includes price calculator in which the price is determined by what the visitor selects in the fields that are provided. The page also features a textured background.

CSS Option 2

This page is created with Dreamweaver MX 2004 and uses second example of an external cascading sheet to format the webpage. The images are from one of the galaxies or nebulae imaged by the Hubble telescope.

Neuschwanstein Castle

This web page includes photographs and information about this German castle. It also includes the JavaScript codes which redirects visitors to a new URL address and alters the background and text color of the web page.

Pine Peak Ski

JavaScript project, which includes wind chill calculator and several web pages about a ski lodge. This project includes background, various graphics, thumbnail images and buttons.

Music Therapy Feedback Form

This page is a basic form used to submit information. Other features include a background, colored fields and colored text.

Guitar Shopping Store

This page is a basic shopping cart created by JavaScript that allows you to remove items from the cart and printout the items orders.

Metro Construction Management Services

I was team leader/facilitator for this project. This site was built for Metro Construction using Dreamweaver MX and incorporates animated graphics and a logo in the sidebar that I created using Flash MX and Fireworks MX.


Quality Standards

    I have very high quality standards and expect nothing less than the absolute best. I personally inspect and work on everything that bares my name.

Design Process

    While I retain the right to modify any of the below stages based on the individual needs of my clients, this is an overview of the process that I follow:

    First, I arrange a meeting with a potential client and evaluate their individual needs. during this meeting, I inquiry about the purpose of the website, content that is to be included, number of pages to be authored and any other information that is pertinent to the individual project. It is also during this first meeting that the potential client receives a price quote from me and we confirm a timeline, including a presentation and launch date for the site. The actual price of a website design is contingent on the complexity of the site and the amount of time required to build it.

    Second, I will present the entire primarily site to the client. During this phase, I will document any changes or modifications that the clients wants based off of the feedback that I get from the client. At this time, I will ask the client to initial the printouts of the designed pages along with notes of what changes need to be made. A proportion of the payment is due at this time. This stage may be repeated if necessary. My primary concern is that the client is satisfied with the site that I have designed.

    Finally, after making all changes and troubleshooting any problems that I encounter, I will launch the actual site. Please note that any and all the remaining payment is due when the site is launched. If there was an arrangement for me to stay on as webmaster, I will abide by the agreement between the client and myself. If there was no such agreement then the client is welcome to employ my services on as-needed basis in the future.

Other Relevant Information

    Other projects that I have authored along with brief description of what they show may be seen by visiting this address Complete Project Index. In addition, I have included a brief version of my résumé though anyone wishing to contact me should e-mail me at with the subject line "Inquiry." Please include your name, telephone number, reason for contacting me, and e-mail address and I will contact you in 2 to 4 working days.

Valioso Perla Web Designs

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