- Good luck to all those in Year 6 and Year 4 who are leaving at the end of this term!
- The website has now moved servers to Freewebs. Gradually this website will be phased out, but you will still be able to access it at the current address for the meantime. You can find the new pages from the links page. Thankfully, the new address is much shorter, so please update your bookmarks!
St. Benet's Roman Catholic Primary school is a small school with a complement of around 100 pupils and several teaching staff. It caters for pupils of all abilities from English Year Groups 1 to 6 inclusive. Find out more about the school here.
Thank you for visiting the St. Benet's School page at https://www.angelfire.com/sc3/stbenets_school.
Please come back and visit again soon!
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Links are in blue or pink if they have been visited before.
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Page last modified 7th June 2004