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    All food you eat , all drinks you drink come from plants. 

 Harvesting goes on during every month of the year.  Here are a few things harvested in each month!

January Carrots, Grapefruit & Pineapple
February Broccoli, & Lettuce
March Syrup, & Sugar Cane
April Beans, & Strawberries
May Onions, tomatoes, Cantaloupe
June Peaches,  wheat
July Peas, watermelons, Cherries
August Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, barley, blueberries
September Carrots,  cabbage, beets, peaches
October Lima beans, peas, pumpkins
November squashes, nuts
December Growers are busy with normal winter cultural activities during December such as weed control, fertilizing, and pruning. Growers also have to irrigate their orchards due to the lack of precipitation. Cold nights are beneficial for the dormancy of fruit trees and grape vines. Preparation for replanting of some trees is also active.