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What Kinds of Amphibians



Frogs Worms
Salamanders Newts


Frogs are weird creatures. For example, the red and blue poison arrow frog carries its tadpoles on its back. The Wallace's Flying Frog looks like it has wings. The Darwin Frog babies grow inside their father's stomach. The False Eyed Frog has two spots on its rear, so if something scared it will turn around and scare the predator away. The  bullfrog swallows any bug it comes across. Glass frogs are literally invisible.

Blue Arrow

Darwin Frog

Flying Frog

Glass Frog


The Texas Blind Salamander can not see because it always lives in dark caves. The Pacific Giant Salamander lets out a low cry when it feels threatened. Congo Eels legs are so small, they are useless for walking. The most rare salamander in the world is the Mexican axolotl. The mud puppy salamander guards its egg's until they hatch.

Texas Blind

Pacific Giant

Mexican Axolotl

Mud Puppy



The Rough skinned newt has nasty skin fluid which keeps predators away. But, in breeding season, its rough skin turns into smooth, silky skin. The red spotted newt can swim under the icy water of a frozen lake. An Proteus is so strange because it only grows to be one foot long! The male crested newt is the only newt with a wavy tail.

Rough Skinned

Red Spotted

Proteus (Cave Newt)

Great Crested Newt


A worm has 33 body parts. In the United States of America, there are over 160 kinds of worms. Worms such as the hookworm and the leech are parasitic which means that they are parasites. Other worms like the earthworm are not. Worms do not have a mouth until they are fully grown. One  kind of worm is not classified. It is the beardworm.  




Beard Worm