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   The tiger is the one of the biggest cats in the world. It can kill elephants, buffalo, bears ,and even rhinos. They hunt and live alone because it is very clever. They are great swimmers ,so they eat fish. India is were the tiger is most common. Today there is very few of them left. when another tiger wants another's meal they fight for it. Most tigers live in Asia and some rainforest, and forests.



   The Siberian tiger may stay in the same place for a long time because of the food. They mark their boundaries with their urine. The Siberian Tigers need to eat about 20 pounds of meat a day. They eat deer, boar, elk, lynx, small bear, and fish. They have deadly teeth, pretty skin, and sharp claws. At birth the young cub weighs about 3 pounds. By age two, the cubs may weigh up to 400 pounds. They are just about extinct too as well as other tigers.


   Baby cubs  are born in a den ,with it's mother. A den is a safe place for a cub. Tiger cubs are born are born at the same time. Baby cubs are born blind. Mother tigers carry their babies around in their mouths.  The mother stays with their young for about 2 years until it can do for it self. The mother doesn't eat until her cubs do. If the mother sees anything trying to hard the cubs she gets mad.