Vampire Bats Home
Okay, they aren't exactly like vampires. They are named that because of their craving of BLOOD. Yes that's right, blood. The little blood suckers will craw up next to you as you sleep (only outside) and bite a tiny hole in you and lap up all the blood they can get from the hole. Mostly the bats only attack cattle (poor cattle). This makes the farmers angry so they do all they can to prevent this from happening. Vampire bats look kind of like pigs. They have squished noses and fangs for biting. If you ask me they are quite scary looking. The bats don't exactly "suck" the blood. The bats have a special chemical in their saliva which keeps the blood flowing. Also they don't exactly bite the make a razor sharp slit in the flesh. Most people and animals don't wake up during this process but if you do be sure to make the creature scurry or fly off. As for you go wash your cut with soap and water then clean with antiseptic wash.
you can see the Fangs!