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(5-23-05)I'm taking my CADD final right now, but I don't feel like it, so I'm writing random stuff, Isn't that soooo coool!!!
(5-21-05)Sorry for the lack of updates, I had finals to study for. Anyway, we got some material done this weekend, so we'll have some songs done soon. Also, pics have been taken, so we'll get those up soon. Oh, yeah, before I forget, we might change the name, The SuperMunchers is kind of gay.
(5-18-05)Going to put up some lyrics that our sax player(Jordan Bergamasco a.k.a. Razor Ramon)wrote. Also gonna put some more links up. That's about it.
(5-17-05)Got our two little friends to join the party! Nothin' else goin on, I'm over my friend Wilson's house(our drummer)and were working on a new intro and the site.
-Joe and Matt
(5-16-05)Having trouble with the new logo, but I'll get it fixed. Also working on the Bios and the Links, they should be done by the end of the week. Finals are coming up so you might not hear from me for a while!
(5-15-05)I Also got the buttons up, so their content should be done some time this week. The band is also making arrangements for pictures to be taken, but they won't be done for a while.
(5-15-05)The Forum is up, and I'm working on the new logo at my house on photoshop,hope to have it up soon.
(5-14-05)For those of you who don't know us, we're The SuperMunchers, a Rock/ska band from the Western Pa area. We just started the site today, and we'll keep you updated for the long journey ahead!
(5-13-05)Site Founded