Cellular and Molecular Biology Quizzes  

Mesoderm Differentiation Quiz 2

1- If the figure is a dorso-ventral cut of an 8 day mouse embryo, the lateral mesoderm is labeled

2- Somitomeres 1-7 contribute mesoderm to the
cranio-caudal somites
pharyngeal arches
cranial somites
cranial portion of the neural tube

3- Somites are
segments of paraxial mesoderm that form in the cranial region
paired blocks of mesoderm that form on either side of the notochord
each established at the expense of half a somitomere
segments of medial and lateral mesoderm that condense to form vertebrae

4- Each somite generates
one vertebrae and associated sclerotome
several vertebrae, associated musculature and sclerotome
one vertebrae, associated musculature and connective tissue
several vertebrae, associated dermatome and connective tissue

5- The urogenital ridge
is a longitudinal ventral ridge fromed from intermediate mesoderm
is a longitudinal dorsal ridge fromed from somites
eventually forms many gut, kidney and gonad structures
is involved in the formation of heart and gonads

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1- If the figure is a dorso-ventral cut of an 8 day mouse embryo, the lateral mesoderm is labeled
Answer: c


2- Somitomeres 1-7 contribute mesoderm to the
Answer: pharyngeal arches

3- Somites are
Answer: paired blocks of mesoderm that form on either side of the notochord

4- Each somite generates
Answer: one vertebrae, associated musculature and connective tissue

5- The urogenital ridge
Answer: is a longitudinal ventral ridge formed from intermediate mesoderm