Pharmacology and Toxicology Quizzes  

cAMP/PKA System Quiz 2

1- Gi activation
leads to cAMP formation
inhibits adenylyl cyclase
is due to phosphorylation
none of the above

2- Adenylyl may be activated by
beta/gama complex
alpha subunit
all of the above

3- After binding cAMP, PKA will look like (R=regulatory subunit, C=catalytic subunit, numbering like a molecular formula):
R2(cAMP)4   +  2C
2RcAMP2   +  2C
2RcAMP   +  2CcAMP
2R   +  C2(cAMP)4

4- Not a regulator of the cAMP/PKA cascade
cAMP analogs
adenylyl cyclase

5- When active, the catalytic units of PKA
dephosphorylate adenylyl cyclase
phosphorylate CREB
bind transcription factors
phosphorylate tyrosine residues

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1- GI activation
Answer: inhibits adenylyl cyclase

2- Adenylyl may be activated by
Answer: all of the above (Gs AND beta/gama complex AND alpha subunit)

3- After binding cAMP, PKA will look like (R=regulatory subunit, C=catalytic subunit, numbering like a molecular formula):
R2(cAMP)4   +  2C

4- Not a regulator of the cAMP/PKA cascade
Answer: adenylyl cyclase

5- When active, the catalytic units of PKA
Answer: phosphorylate CREB