Pharmacology and Toxicology Quizzes  

cGMP/PKG System and Nitric Oxide Quiz 1

1- Guanylyl cyclases
exist as soluble enzymes
exist as membrane-bound enzymes
may be homo- or heterodimers
all of the above

2- cGMP works by binding
protein kinases
ion channels
the first two are correct

3- Are dimers, each protein containing one regulatory and one catalytic subunit
some guanylyl cyclases
all of the above

4- Not a fate of cGMP
binding to ion channels
degradation by phosphodiesterase
PKA activation
Na+ channel activation in rod cells

5- NOS is activated by

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1- Guanylyl cyclases
Answer: all of the above (exist as soluble enzymes OR as membrane-bound enzymes AND may be Homo or heterodimers)

2- cGMP works by binding
Answer: the first two are correct (protein kinases AND ion channels)

3- Are dimers, each protein containing one regulatory and one catalytic subunit
Answer: PKGs

4- Not a fate of cGMP
Answer: PKA activation

5- NOS is activated by
Answer: calcium