Pharmacology and Toxicology Quizzes  

cGMP/PKG System and Nitric Oxide Quiz 4

1- Membrane bound guanylyl cyclases
each dimer has a N-terminus cyclase domain
each dimer has a ligand binding domain
are heterodimers
all of the above

2- In rod cells, increased phosphodiesterase activity
hyperpolarizes the cell
depolarizes the cell
inhibits PKG
none of the above

3- Regulator of the cGMP/PKG transduction cascade
PKA inhibitors
stable cGMP analogs

4- Nitric oxide
diffuses through membranes
acts by non-receptor mechanisms
is converted to peroxinitrile
all of the above

5- Used to determine if NO is involved in a transduction cascade
NO donors
the first two are correct

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1- Membrane bound guanylyl cyclases
Answer: each dimer has a ligand binding domain

2- In rod cells, increased phosphodiesterase activity
Answer: hyperpolarizes the cell

3- Regulator of the cGMP/PKG transduction cascade
Answer: stable cGMP analogs

4- Nitric oxide
Answer: all of the above (diffuses through membranes AND act by non-receptor mechanisms AND is converted to peroxinitrile)

5- Used to determine if NO is involved in a transduction cascade
Answer: the first two are correct (NO donors like nitroprusside)