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       1. First let us have three pictures, A, B and C on a page called "main_page". Then reduce
           the size of each picture to a small desirable size which is called "Thumbnail", shown below.

          Arrange them in any position you like. Then click on "Save" on the tool bar.
          A "Save As" window will appear. Enter the file name as "Main_Page" in the table against File name.
          Then click on "Save" on the left bottom. Remember the name of this page as "Main_Page.html"

       2. If you want viewers to have a larger image of each picture to see, you have to create links
           to these thumbnails, A,B and C. It is very simple. Let us do thumbnail A link first.
           For the time being, let us forget the "Main_Page".

       3. To create a link for thumbnail A, click on "New" on the tool bar. A "Create New Page" window
           will appear.Click on "Blank Page". Now you have a new page for the photo A.
           Click on "Image" on the tool bar to get the photo. A " Image Properties" window will appear.
           Just click on the "Choose File" box on the top left. Then a window called "Choose Image File" will appear,
           overlapping the "Image Properties" window.Now click on the file name you are looking for.
          Then the blank table against the" File name" will be filled with the file name
           you have just clicked. Finally click on "Open" on the left bottom of the window.
          The window will vanish, leaving the "Image Properties" window behind.
           Now you can see the blank table next to "Choose File" box , is filled
           with the file name. Then just click on "OK" at the bottom of the window.

      4. The image or photo A will appear on the page. Make sure that you put it in the middle of the page.
          If the image or photo is too big, reduce its size. Then click on "Save" on the tool bar.
          A "SAVE AS" window will appear. This time, you have to type in a different name
          for the said photo. For example:" BigPhotoA or Big_Photo_A". The words cannot be
          separated for THML files .Remember the file name when you upload the
          file otherwise the image or photo will not appear on the page.

      5. Now link the "BigPhotoA" page to the "Main_Page". Highlight on the photo by clicking on it.
         Then click on "Link" on the tool bar. A window called "Image Properties" will appear.
         Now click on "Choose File"  box only. Another window
         called "Link to File" will appear, overlapping  the "Image Properties" window.
         You must look for HTML files in your Desktop.  That is web site.
         Click on "web site" and all the html files will come out on the window.
         Look for the "Main_page" and click on it. After that, click on "Open" at the left bottom.

     6. The "Link to File" window will disappear, leaving the "Image Properties" window behind.
         Now you can see that the blank table below "Link to" is filled with the file name.
         Click on "OK" at the bottom. Done!

     7. To view it, click on "Preview" on the tool bar. Then click on the photo to see if the photo is linked
         to the "Main_Page"

    8. To go back to the editing "Main_Page", click on "Open" on the tool bar. A "Open" window will appear.
        Click on the file name "Main_page" and click on "Open" at the left bottom. Then the editing "Main_Page" will

   9. Now do the link to the "PhotoA or Photo_A" page. Hightlight the thumbnail A and click on "Link".
       Please follow the procedures  from step 5 to 7. Then the link will be done.

  10. You must click on "Save" and then click on "Preview".  Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!

        Please click on the picture