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Troop 549!

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Last updated (September 11, 2002)


Red Cross

Youth Services
Greenville Chaper

Ronald McDonald House
Letter of Response
RMH Fast Facts
RMH Volunteer Opportunities
RMH Cleaning Supply Wish List
RMH Pop Tab Recycling
Troop 549
Girl Scouts of the Old 96 Council

Girl Scouts, Where Girls Grow Strong!

Service Projects 2002-2003

Giving service to one's community is an important part of Girl Scouting. It's in our Girl Scout Promise (help others at all times) and Law (make the world a better place).

This year we have two major service projects.

The first is part of the Youth Services division of the Greenville Chapter of the American Red Cross.

Troop members will participate in packing "friendship boxes" for abused or neglected children living in emergency shelters. Many of these children don't have the opportunity to pack before they leave home and come to the shelters with little more that the pajamas they're wearing. A Friendship Box is a small gift from a child to a child. It contains crayons, pencils, a small notepad, and small toys such as toy cars, dolls, stickers, balls, or yo-yos. Each girl in the troop will be given an information sheet and several boxes to pack. We will then return the filled boxes to the Red Cross where they will then be delivered to shelters.

The second is a long-term commitment to help Greenville's Ronald McDonald House

Troop members (and their families) will be asked to volunteer their time in many different ways. First, we'll make a visit to the RMH of Greenville. Then we'll decide in what ways we would like to help this organization. More information on both of these projects is available in the links to the left.

Every Girl, Everywhere!

Troop 549

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