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Folk who lived in the Trongate - The Trongate, see picture on the left, was where the Tron Well was. The well was to the right of the Tron tree in the picture. None of these buildings exist today. They stood round about where the present village shopping centre (Tron Court) is. In the picture, the lady on the left, with her hands clasped, is Mrs Cameron (Kate McKay as was) who married John Cameron in Oban in 1903. John Cameron was a slater by trade. They had 4 sons and 3 daughters, John, Donald, Duncan, Alexander, Lucy, Jean and Catherine. Their eldest son John is pictured below, in the kilt, with his two-year-old son Bill, who became the village blacksmith. The information came from Sandra Cameron, whose father was Bill Cameron, the blacksmith.
  The Tron tree marked the site of the village weighing machine. The tree was planted in 1801 to commemorate Sir Ralph Abercromby's departure from Tullibody for Egypt on what was to be his last campaign. There was also a mill around this place somewhere. Gate is old Scots for a street. The Trongate appears to have been known locally as the square. - 'The square about 1918 - Mr & Mrs McLean lived there with their Family. Mrs Cameron also lived there with their family. One son's name was Duncan. The Forthering family lived there as well. At the Tron tree lived Irish Man Tommy Rooney with his son Tommy for quite a while. The father died there. The Inn, Tullibody - George McFarlane ran a good pub there for the locals. His daughter gave her father a good hand. Her name was Elsie. These people all lived about the square.' As recalled by Cathie Douglas, nee Whyte - Most of the postcards were supplied by her brother Jackie.
Bill Cameron was a Blacksmith by trade and started his apprenticeship about 1940 with Willie Thomson. Somebody named W. Thomson is known to have been the village blacksmith during the First World War. The village smithy was in Menstrie Road somewhere. Bill started his training at approx. age 12 but Mr Thomson made him continue his education by making him attend night school. The picture on the left shows Bill when he was about two years old with his father, John. It must have been taken about 1930. Bill's daughter Sandra, who now lives in Canada, sent this picture to me
The above mentioned Sandra Cameron, now Sandra Blaker, with her family at Niagara Falls - sitting - 5th from left with her husband and family
Robina Georgina Stevenson was born in Tullibody on Nov 11th, 1910 to Lillias Oliver Stevenson . At the age of 18 she moved to Canada. In 1935 she was married at Knox Presbyterian Church, Morrisburg, Ontario, Canada, to Donald Merkley. She had two children - Betty and Ronald. Today Betty ( Merkley) Gillard lives in Morrisburg, Ontario and Ronald G. Merkley lives in Daytona Beach, Florida. Ron is Drum Major and wife Sharron (Boyd) Merkley is a tenor drummer with Daytona Beach Pipes and Drums of Daytona Beach, Florida. A Book of "Poems by Beanie" is in Clackmannan District Council - District Library, 17 Mar Street, Alloa, - library reference JB/AM - Robina ( my mother) had may of these published here in Canada.! Picture shows Sharry and Ron in their band uniforms - From Ron Merkley, Florida - February 18, 2006
Mary Jamieson (born June 2 1891) is the little girl 5th from the left in the second row in this Tullibody school picture. Mary later moved to London where she married George Cooper Ried. Mary was one of a large family of William Jamieson & Mary Crow. Her brothers and sisters were Maggie, David, Jean and Thomas ( who emigrated to Canada). Information from Fiona Duxbury. Fiona also says about Bill Cameron, pictured above - his grandmother was Mary's sister Jean mentioned here. Mary was Fiona's grandmother. The teacher in the picture is Mr. Kinmond.
This is a picture of Jackie Whyte's Granny and Auntie Jenny outside their house in North Street, Tullibody. He says that eight of the Whyte family were born in that house.
This picture shows the Whyte family - it must be in the 1920s or 30s. Jackie says that it shows from left to right at the back - his Father and Mother, his brother Andrew (baby) and his Auntie Jenny. At the front - from left to right - his sister Cathie, brother George and sister Ellen. They are pictured outside what was called the 'old barns' which must have been somewhere in the area of the present Manor Crescent. The buildings at the back still stand in Delph Road.
Tullibody lassies working at Alloa Creamery. So far identified - extreme left - Mrs McQuaig, 3rd from left Flo Smith and extreme right - Cathie Whyte. This is a Postcard! - no date, message or stamp on it


TULLIBODY - 1899 - names from an old Ordnance Survey Map
CURLING CLUB - President, A Ferguson; secretary and treasurer, Robert Kinmond.
DISTRICT LIBRARY - instituted 1862 - President, Robert Kinmond; secretaries and joint librarians - James Allan and P Stevenson.
FRIENDLY SOCIETY - President, J Heatly; Secretary, George McFarlane, treasurer, Alexander Ferguson.
LIBERAL ASSOCIATION - Chairman - Robert Kirk, vice chairman, A Ferguson, secretary, Wm. Marshall.
LIBERAL UNIONIST ASSOCIATION - Hon. President, John Kennedy, President, R Knox, secretary R Kinmond.
LIGHTING COMMITTEE - President, G McFarlane, secretary and treasurer, George Duncan.
PUBLIC SCHOOL - teacher, Robert Kinmond; assistant teacher, Miss Dawson.
TULLIBODY AND CAMBUS CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY - President, G Mcfarlane; Secretary, A Ferguson; Treasurer I Glancy.
WATER COMMITTEE - President, J Donaldson.
YOUNG MENS MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY - President, D Houston, vice president, J Dempster; secretary and treasurer, P Stevenson