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Culmstock 4-4 Up & Under

Yet another disappointing performance from an Up & Under team that is performing below it's potential. The team were full of confidence going into the game, however this gradually drained away as the first half unfolded. Culmstock took the lead with a soft goal and this seemed to be the cue for UAU to back off their opponents, resulting in Culmstock dictating the play despite creating the better of the opening chances. Paul Hutchings, Rob Southgate and Dan Depledge were guilty of missing, at least, half-chances following predominantly good work from Steve Cole. After a good aerial effort from Stuart Ruffle just missed, the home side went 2-0 up, which lead to UAU pretty much falling apart for the remainder of the half. The main causes for concern were the lack of tackling and marking. UAU did manage a late first half rally as Rob Southgate and Paul Hutchings did link well to create a couple of decent openings, the second of which was dramatically cleared of the goal line.

A lack of team-talk at half time did suggest that the desire to win the game was completely lost and any sort of result was unforseeable. Stuart Cook was introduced at the break, many believe he should have started the game despite reports that he was carrying an injury. This seemed to lift the team a touch, especially as he fired in a rifle of a 25 yarder into the roof of the net to halve the deficit. An effective interchange again between Hutchings and Southgate ended in a simple goal  for the big striker which brought the game to an unexpected level scoreline. A Southgate goal was disallowed by the referee for a seemingly unknown reason. This lead to a lapse in concentrating as Culmstock restored their lead with a through-ball finish. Hutchings brought the game level again with a deft lob following a through ball by Stuart Cook. A needless freekick conceded by UAU resulted in an absolute nightmare of a goal for stand in keeper Ian Miller. The 35 yard shot was travelling straight into Ian Miller's hands, however, the Big Keeper let the ball slip right through and into the net to make it 4-3 to Culmstock. The game had yet another twist in it as a corner for UAU led to a goal-mouth scramble where, from all of 2 yards out, Dan Depledge managed a much needed equaliser.

The game ended in a 4-4 draw with both sides disappointed at not claiming the points for themselves.

STAR MAN: Steve Cole

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