Fact Find for Samuel Langhorne Clemens
Name _________________________ Date _________________
Using the following Library of Congress web site, Mark Twain, answer the following questions. This site is found in BRSH Student / Language Arts book marked sites on the school web page.
1. Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain) was born in the state of Missouri or Florida? ________________________________________
2. Mark Twain’s most famous stories were________________________________________ and ______________________________________.
3. Mark Twain grew up in __________________________, Missouri.
4. His stories are known for their_________________________________________________________.
5. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was published in_______________________________________.
6. The novel is filled with descriptions of the _____________________________________________ and ______________________________.
7. Mark Twain used ___________________ and______________________to bring his characters to life, to make them sound like real people.
8. The web site includes an illustration for the story by_________________________________________.
9. The story, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is about_____________________________________
10. During the Civil War, Samuel Clemens worked on the Mississippi River as a
11. Bonus: Explain why Samuel Clemens chose Mark Twain for a name.
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