My Redeemer > Bible > The Major Prophets

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Prophet Approximate Dates Location/Home Basic Bible Passage Central Teaching Key Verse
Elijah 875-850 Tishbe I Ki. 17:1-II Ki. 2:18 Yahweh, not Baal, is GOD I Ki. 18:21
Micaiah 856 Samaria I Ki. 22:2; II Chr. 18 Proof of prophecy I Ki. 22:28
Elisha 855-800 Abel Meholah I Ki. 19:15-21;
II Ki. 2-9; 13
GOD's miraculous power II Ki. 5:15
Jonah 775 Gath Hepher II Ki. 14:25; Jonah GOD's universal concern Jonah 4:11
Amos 765 Tekoa Amos GOD's call for justice and righteousness Amos 5:24
Hosea 750 Israel Hosea GOD's unquenchable love Hos. 11:8-9
Isaiah 740-698 Jerusalem II Ki. 19-20; Isaiah Hope through repentance and suffering Is. 1:18; 53:4-6
Micah 735-710 Moresheth Gath
Jer. 26:18; Micah Call for humble mercy and justice Mic. 6:8
Obed 733 Samaria II Chr. 28:9-11 Do not go beyond GOD's command II Chr. 28:9
Zephaniah 630 ? Zephaniah Hope for the humble righteous Zeph. 2:3
Nahum 625 Elkosh Nahum GOD's jealousy protects His people Nah. 1:2-3
Habakkuk 625 ? Habakkuk GOD calls for faithfulness Hab. 2:4
Jeremiah 626-584 Anathoth/Jerusalem II Chr. 36:12; Jeremiah Faithful prophet points to new covenant Jer. 31:33-34
Huldah (the prophetess) 621 Jerusalem II Ki. 22; II Chr. 34 GOD's Book is accurate II Ki. 22:16
Ezekiel 593-571 Babylon Ezekiel Future hope for new community of worship Ezek. 37:12-13
Joel 588(?) Jerusalem Joel Call to repent and experience GOD's Spirit Joel 2:28-29
Obadiah 580 Jerusalem Obadiah Doom on Edom to bring GOD's kingdom Obad. 21
Haggai 520 Jerusalem Ezra 5:1; 6:14; Haggai The priority of GOD's house Hag. 2:8,9
Zechariah 520-514 Jerusalem Ezra 5:1; 6:14; Zechariah Faithfulness will lead to GOD's universal rule Zech. 14:9
Malachi 433 Jerusalem Malachi Honor GOD and wait for His righteousness Mal. 4:2