The CHICAGO FIELD MUSEUM - Visit Sue,the largest complete T-Rex skeleton on display
in the world. This site has great photographs.
Enter the cave of the man-eating
Lions of Tsavo, whose story was portrayed in the movie,
Ghost and the Darkness.
The WORLDWIDE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Dinosaur Galleries is also a good site for photos of dinosaur fossils.
The BURKE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY and CULTURE features several fine online exhibits such as Mammals of Sichuan Province, Mammals of Washington, Kennewick Man Virtual and Traveling Exhibits, Amphibians and Reptiles of Washington, and an Archaeology Site which includes Archaeology Myths. You can also take a virtual tour of the museum.
The SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTEhas a treasury of museums to be enjoyed, as well as a virtual tour. The following minimum requirements for the virtual tour are recommended:
YAHOO!Picks(Science) has a lengthy list of interesting sites which include, Android World, the Bigfoot Field Researchers Org., National Geographic's DinoQuest Sahara, and FEAR OF PHYSICS,a great site which offers explanations for esoteric rules of physics. We really urge you to visit the Yahoo! site, which is continually updated. They have more time than we do to search the internet.
FEAR OF PHYSICS offers easily understood explanations for esoteric rules of physics. Great site!
AHKET EGYPTOLOGY - This site has masks, temples, sculpture, and a clickable mummy. You click on different parts of the mummy's body to find out about the mummification process. This site also has a good page of links to other museums and collections.
ANCIENT EGYPT - A good informational site for kids doing research.
THE AMARNA SITE deals with the Egyptian Amarna Period when the Pharoah, Akhenaten turned his back on Egypt's gods and started a monotheistic religeon dedicated to Aten, who was represented by a solar disc. Akhenaten was the most fascinating leader in the history of ancient Egypt. This site explores him and his contemporaries.
RAND MCNALLY - has a map generator that our 15 yr. old prefers. Type in your address and find your home on one of their maps. You can also zoom in and move in different directions.
MICHIGAN TECH'S VOLCANOES PAGE - Provides information about volcanoes and aims to complement other volcano sites. Provides good links to major work with volcanoes around the world.
SAN DIEGO ASSOC. OF GEOLOGISTS - provides links to several other geological websites. This is a cool site worth exploring.
VOLCANO LIVE has information on every volcano on earth. This site also has breaking news on live volcanoes, which is updated daily. We highly recommend this site to those, like us, who can't get enough volcanoes.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN - Beautiful site worthy of the magazine. It includes exhibits on comets, Jupiter's volcanic moon, Io, and cosmic mirages. It also has a search engine for the site; good for school research.
DISCOVER MAGAZINE - Written for the layman with many fascinating articles. The Jan./Feb. 2002 issue features a story of autistic savants, who are being studied in order to ascertain whether the rest of us can be taught these skills. Check out the drawing of a horse and rider done by Nadia, an autistic savant, when she was three years old. This site also has a Web Picks page worth looking at.
The Mar./Apr. 2002 issue has an interesting story on Neanderthals raising the question of whether Neanderthals died out as originally thought, or just added their genes to the Homo sapiens sapiens population. It brings up several interesting issues.
BEYOND DISCOVERYhas a wide variety of articles. The March 2002 topics include, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, From Explosives to the Gas That Heals, Designer Seeds, and Human Gene Testing. This magazine is part of the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine. Their home site includes informative articles about science in the news.