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TRUTH that Ecclesiastes teaches ACTION that Ecclesiastes invites
1. Knowing GOD and His ways
We should revere GOD as the Creator who makes all things perfect following the counsel of his own will.
Believe that all that GOD does is perfect.

Establish a relationship with GOD while you are young, before life's disappointments harden your heart.

2. Instructions for growing in holiness
The Preacher counsels a life of piety to his readers. We should live considering the futility and vanity of a dissipated life far from GOD. Much of the energy that we waste trying to achieve certain things is equivalent to trying to "trap the wind". Life enjoyed in fidelity and integrity is the only thing that has real significance.
Seek to please GOD in everything that you do.

Try to find joy in your work and in your daily life.

Avoid haste or impatience. Know that GOD never pressures. Don't make important decisions, when you are disturbed in the spirit.

Determine to obey those who have authority over you. Believe that you will know how and when to complete the assigned work.

Live a Spirit-filled life. Honor the marriage vows. Serve the LORD with all your strength.

Don't attempt to substitute book-learning for obedience. Cultivate the fear of the LORD.

3. Keys to a wise life
The Preacher says that if you know GOD and try to live your life before him in a way that pleases him, you will be wise. The wise life entails attributing a relative value to the decisions that one may make. The wise choose those things that have permanent value. Frequently, the best decisions aren't those that agree with the world's standards.
Understand that seeking pleasure for the love of pleasure is a vain attempt.

Understand that a life lived only for the sake of wisdom is futile.

Remember that seeking recompense in work itself is a vain attempt.

Do the work that you really enjoy and that makes you feel grateful. Understand that striving without any enjoyment is useless and has no sense.

Understand that working in a manner that you can't enjoy the fruits of your labor is foolish. Beware of the vice of overworking.

Avoid unnecessary extremes.

4. Steps toward humility
A message springs forth vigorously and clearly from Ecclesiastes. Walk carefully and humbly before the LORD. "GOD is in heaven and you are on earth". The more we know about GOD, the humbler we feel. The humble person recognizes his own limitations and accepts them.
Accept and recognize that the human comprehension of history is partial and distorted. Know that the facts that mankind has forgotten can completely change your historical perspective.

Accept your limitations. Know that you can't rationally apprehend eternity. Learn to accept GOD's deadlines.

Understand that the pursuit of personal ambition is vain and futile.

Don't lose the awareness that you are mortal. Allow deprivation to bring you moments of sober personal reflection.

5. Keys for handling money
Being a careful steward of the riches of the world gives birth to a consecrated believer's proper attitude toward money. Money is an instrument to be utilized, not a god to be served. Our motivations when acquiring and using money are the determining factors.
Consider and understand that riches are intrinsically elusive.

Understand that riches, by nature, are deceptive.

Know the difference between wealth that has been earned and that which comes from the hand of GOD. Understand that there's no curse associated with the latter.

6. Steps toward confronting sin
The wise understand that to voluntarily sin is to become a servant of sin, and to delay in confronting it is to promote it.
Understand that you are a slave to any weakness of which you are a victim (see Rom. 6:16).

Bring forth and correction that you deem necessary immediately, because any delay can encourage the evil-doing.

7. How to restrain the tongue
When we speak we must be aware that the LORD hears everything that we say. Speaking petulantly doesn't please the LORD and can bring bad consequences.
Cultivate humility and learn to see to your walk before the LORD.

Don't speak vainly about spiritual subjects. Cultivate reverence before the LORD.