My Redeemer > Bible > Ezekiel > Truth in Action

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TRUTH that Ezekiel teaches ACTION that Ezekiel invites
1. Steps toward knowing GOD and his ways
The Scriptures reveal that GOD's silence constitutes a form of judgment upon his people, by neither answering their prayers nor speaking to them through the prophets. GOD rejects the false teachers and prophets whom the people allow to pull them down with their fantasies.
Understand that a lack of leadership and prophetic vision affects all the people who refuse to obey the will of GOD.

Remember that GOD says that to teach or prophesy falsely is "lying".

2. Instructions for growing in piety
Piety isn't inherited. Each person must seek GOD and establish a personal relationship with Him. Piety is received through the divine transformation of our rebellious and hardened hearts, not through one's own effort.
Don't forget that the righteousness of others will neither save you nor will you be judged by the sins of others.

Understand that GOD will make his people experience a true transformation, renewing their minds through the fullness of his Spirit. Joyfully receive the new spirit and new heart that GOD offers you. Bow down before the Spirit of GOD and receive his law of life in your heart in order to be truly transformed.

3. Keys for a wise life
The wise person recognizes that his flesh is at war with his spiritual aspirations. The carnal nature tries to reject the Word of GOD and his renovating work, and defend the strength of self-centered inclinations (see II Cor. 10:4-6).
Understand that the carnal ear is rebellious and pig-headed against the Word of GOD.

Remember that spiritual blindness and deafness are signs of rebellion.

Don't forget that GOD is against all those who falsely invoke His name. Know that He is opposed to all those who preach things foreign to his Word and distort it.

Understand that the false teacher, whose motives are to obtain personal profit, sows injustice and iniquity among GOD's people.

4. Steps toward confronting sin
The prophet laments the fact that GOD's people and their leaders don't sincerely repent of their sins. They formally abjure sin and its consequences, but fail to confront it decidedly.
Remember that the LORD will neither respond to the prayer of an unrepentant idolator, nor of someone who will not part with the sin of his heart, even if he belongs to GOD's people.

Repent sincerely. Seek GOD so that you may receive a new heart and a renewed spirit. Understand that true spiritual transformation presupposes repentance.

5. Lessons for leaders
Ezekiel is basically concerned with the common faults committed by GOD's servants. It results from measuring their successes according to the world's standards and not according to GOD's principles. Ezekiel knows profoundly the hearts of the children of GOD's people. Although they make an ostentatious display of their desire to fulfill GOD's will and follow his ways, some only seek their own personal benefit. GOD warns the prophets that he doesn't consider the formal demonstrations of devotion on the part of the people genuine, unless they put the fact that their lives have truly been transformed into manifestation.
Leaders, don't take "success" as the only thermometer of the way in which people receive you.

3:16-27; 33:1-9
Leaders, remember the principle that governs your responsibility as a messenger or watchtower for GOD; accept your task of teaching and reprimanding people, whether or not they hear you.

Leaders, remember that popularity isn't the definitive measure of your righteousness or effectiveness. Watch out for people's tendency to see preaching as entertainment.

Leaders, don't forget that the LORD is against pastors who are concerned with their things and not for the wellbeing of GOD's people.

6. A key lesson in faith
GOD will provide mankind the definitive answer to his most complex concerns in his time, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Rejoicing in the prophesied outpouring of the Spirit of GOD will produce healing and restoration.

Welcome joyfully this grace in your life and circumstances.