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Truth in Action throughout ISAIAH

TRUTH that Isaiah teaches ACTION that Isaiah invites
1. Steps toward holiness
GOD's people have often gotten themselves in trouble by enploying illegitimate means to achieve legitimate ends and thinking about sacred things in profane terms. The ends don't justify the means. Using methods that GOD wouldn't approve leads us to form alliances that can cause us to fail.
Reject the spiritual counsel of anyone who doesn't speak according to the Word of GOD. Avoid any form of occultism or spiritism.

Beware of plans or relations that GOD hasn't ordained and that, therefore, won't bless you. Seek the LORD so that He will give you wisdom when making plans and contracting agreements.

Employ only GOD's methods in GOD's work.

2. Steps toward humility
Humility is essential in order to act like Christ. Humility and meekness are qualities engendered by the Holy Spirit in the mature believer. Their opposites, pride and arrogance, have a diabolic origin. Humility refuses to promote one's own interests, while endeavoring to serve others.
Humble yourself in the LORD's presence. Understand that this is the only way to be cleansed and receive a clear vision of your calling to the ministry.

Beware of the selfish ambition that places oneself above GOD, and the pride that appropriates His glory. Understand that these are characteristic traits of Satan's rebellion which transformed him into the enemy GOD.

3. Steps toward a dynamic devotion
GOD wants his people to be entirely devoted to Him. We can't feign devotion. GOD knows our hearts and knows if we believe in Him as we say. This is the greatest reason to give Him wholehearted worship. We should seek GOD continually, expressing our devotion with our entire being.
Understand that GOD only appreciates worship that is accompanied by genuine obedience and sincere devotion. Know that insincere worship can result in a loss of wisdom and comprehension.

Hunger and thirst for the LORD, and not for the perishable things of this world.

Pray constantly that the Holy Spirit will bring a revival.

4. Key lessons in faith
Faith leans on the Word of GOD when circumstances seem to question the truth of its promises. Our ability to persevere until the end will depend on our willingness to allow the Spirit to cultivate this type of faith in us.
Believe that the LORD is your refuge, and overcome the fears that assault you in times of crisis.

Understand that spiritual strength comes from hoping in the LORD.

Trust that GOD protects the righteous from the judgment and wrath that he pours out upon the unholy.

Decide to believe that the Word of GOD is the most powerful force in the universe and act accordingly.

Steps toward confronting sin
If we sin we should become aware of it immediately; but sin is a subtle thing, and our hearts may neither perceive it nor recognize the blame that resides in them. Thus, those who need repentance and forgiveness the most may not be aware of their spiritual situation. Therefore, we should constantly examine ourselves before the LORD, asking him to illuminate our hearts, to discover any sin of which we aren't aware and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness.
Understand that when we disagree with GOD's plans, we should repent and change our way of thinking.

Understand that repentance and obedience are only reasonable to an obedient heart, but absurd to one who maintains a rebellious attitude.

Celebrate the goodness of the LORD before taking refuge in the entertainments and diversions of the world. Judge whether these tendencies have taken refuge in your heart and repent.

Believe that your sins and iniquities have been taken away and placed upon Jesus, the unstained Lamb of GOD. Forgive the sins that others have committed against you.

Know that often GOD doesn't answer our prayers because they are hindered by our sins and iniquities. Allow this to become an occasion for reflection and repentance.

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