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TRUTH that II Samuel teaches ACTION that II Samuel invites
1. Instructions for growing in piety
To live in piety is to live in the Spirit of GOD, in the eyes of GOD, according to the will of GOD, constantly conscious of the presence of GOD. Living in this way spares us many problems and tragedies.
Continually practice forgiveness as a way of imitating GOD.

Be responsible to honor past oaths and promises that you have made. Be assured that they have been heard by GOD.

Make sure that you are always where GOD wants you, or you could be in danger.

2. Steps toward a dynamic devotion
GOD highly values the devotion with which his people worship him. David's humility and Uzzah's presumption, along with Micah's criticisms about the worship, have much to teach us. Worship and praise should be our maximum priority.
Learn to praise GOD for all spiritual victories and achievements. Understand that this raises your possibilities of future victories.

Worship the LORD with all your being as an appropriate response to his presence.

Take care not to criticize forms of worship with which you aren't familiar. Doing so can decrease your fruits.

3. Steps toward confronting sin
The story of David and Bathsheba offers us a negative lesson, sometimes repugnant, about the importance of repentance, and to avoid and abandon sin. Its testimony is consistent with all GOD's counsel. Confess and forget sin immediately, or it will lead you to ruin.
Confess the sins that you know about. Don't hide them. Doing so leads to greater sins. Understand that continually avoiding confronting sin can bring serious, sometimes fatal, consequences.

Learn to see sin as GOD sees it. Seek to develop in your most inner being a heart that hates sin.

4. Keys for relating with those who have authority
As all legitimate authority comes from GOD (Rom. 13), the way that we relate with the authority chosen and ordained by GOD, can reveal how we relate with Him. Obeying or revolting puts our true condition and attitude into manifestation.
Honor leadership. Know that the fall of any Christian leader is a defeat and shame for all the Church.

Understand that making a common cause against any leader is a serious offense. Know that GOD knows how to deal with the leaders of his Church.

Be diligent and faithful. Refuse to make disciples among those who follow another ministry.

Understand that doing so promotes disunion and division.

5. Lessons for leaders
Spiritual leadership is a sacred task. The conduct of Christian leaders has an impact that goes far beyond their own lives. For that reason, they will be more severely judged (see James 3:1). Likewise, the consecrated leadership must grow and be strengthened to be transmitted to other generations.
Leader, know that in the long run you should delegate a great part of your authority to those who have been raised to the ministry.

Leader, take care that your don't place too much value on the importance of statistics.

Leader, understand that those sins which you insist on committing can cause GOD's enemies to reject the LORD and his people.

Leader, consider the ministry to be holy. Don't act presumptuously in fulfilling the responsibilities to which you are assigned.

6. Keys for moral purity
Our moral purity often comes under the attack from improper things that we bring to mind.
Guard your eyes! Don't forget that a covetous look often leads to sinful thoughts and can give place to an immoral action.
7. Steps toward developing a humble attitude
Humility is a special spiritual virtue. Humble people aren't necessarily those who refuse to assume responsibilities, but those who refuse to take credit for various achievements, knowing that all good in this life comes from GOD.
Implore the LORD to confound and frustrate sinful and evil counsels. Trust that the LORD will make them fail. Know that intrigues against GOD's people come from hell and are part of the enemies strategy against you.
8. Keys for a generous life
Offering with sacrifice is a fruit of holy and generous hearts.
Follow David's example. Learn to offer with sacrifice.