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TRUTH that Job teaches ACTION that Job invites
1. Steps toward knowing GOD and His ways
The knowledge that GOD is sovereign as Creator and sustainer of the physical and spiritual world should govern the way that we think. GOD is intimately linked to our lives in a way that we aren't capable of understanding. All wisdom that leads to the truth comes from the LORD. The only way in which a person can know and understand GOD is through revelation. Understanding the true nature of GOD leads us to expect redemption and eternal life. (NOTE: See occasional prefigurations of Christ in the discourses of Job and his friends).
Choose to trust in the absolute sovereignty of GOD in any adversity.

Understand that, even though GOD may allow us to be submitted to trials, he establishes strict limits to them.

Believe that the LORD examines everything that we do.

Know that GOD works are sometimes incomprehensible for the human mind.

9:33-35; 16:19-22
Understand that Christ is our advocate before the Father (see I John 2:1). Understand, furthermore, that without GOD our case is hopeless.

Understand that GOD is the Creator of all human beings.

Understand also that GOD is absolutely just in his relations with people.

Know and understand that GOD is the creator and sustainer of the universe. Don't forget that is is He, and not you, that determines what is correct.

2. Instructions for growing in piety
Piety is the fruit of true knowledge of GOD. The holy life doesn't accommodate evil attitudes and seeks to know GOD in all circumstances.
Avoid resentment, ingratitude and envy. Think that these are self-destructive attitudes.

Accept the correction of the LORD. Consider it a blessing. Know that it evidences GOD's love for you.

3. Steps toward achieving humility
True knowledge of GOD leads to humility. Humility isn't equivalent to the lack of self-esteem that many of us know. Rather, it constitutes a rejection of self-sufficiency and an expression of our dependence on GOD.
4:17; 9:2; 15:14; 25:4
Understand that justifying oneself is a vain hope. Believe that only the righteousness that Christ imparts onto us makes is possible to remain standing before GOD.

2:1; 42:4-6
Diligently avoid all manifestations of self-sufficiency. Understand that it impedes us from being educated and molded by GOD's hand.

Humble yourself frequently in the presence of GOD. Don't dare to argue with Him.

4. Keys for a wise life
The wise person lives according to the truths that he knows about GOD, the world and himself. He approaches GOD humbly and sincerely, refusing to blame him for any error or adversity of which he is a victim. Therefore, the wise person is able to face and bear suffering, in the knowledge that the loving hand of GOD will prevail in the end. The wise person also knows that even when we seek to live rightly, our rectitude can't gain us GOD's favor: grace is a gift, not a concession.
Understand that to accuse GOD is to blaspheme. Don't question any of the LORD's actions.

Don't be surprised when you encounter difficulties. Know and accept that they are a part of life, and that faith always overcomes them.

Recognize the value of one who is older than you.

Convince yourself of the fact that GOD has the final word in all things.

Accept the transitory and problematic nature of the human life.

Understand that adversity is like a fire through which GOD purifies us.

Reflect upon whether the present adversity, opposition or limitations, are part of GOD's disciplinary action. Be aware quickly if that is what you're dealing with, and repent.

5. Key lessons in faith
Fear is the reverse of faith: not believing what GOD says. GOD commands us to not fear. Faith puts us in the position of trusting in GOD and not acting out of fear.
Know and understand that fear evidences lack of faith in GOD and in his promises.

Rest in the LORD's protection against verbal attacks and don't fear them.

Believe that GOD honors the faith that is stronger than death.

6. Keys for moral purity
Impurity can be born from a negligent attitude when taking on a moral obligation.
Make a vow of moral purity. Keep your eyes, hands and body free of sin.