Title Challenge

This is Welcome to Smallville's Title Challenge. For this challenge, choose one of the meager titles from the list below and use it for the title of a Smallville story. Most anything is accepted: romance, friendship, slash, etc. However, please do not go into gruesome detail for death or sexual content. If sent in, there is a chance that your story will not be posted. Reasons for this include: too many spelling/gramatical errors, inappropriate content, plotless stories, etc.

The Attic
The Blanket
The Column
by Sully » Rating: PG

The Daydream
by Fernando » Rating: G

The Envelope
The Fortune
The Gift
The Hitchhiker
The Icicle
The Jar
The Key
The Light
The Magnet
The Negativity
The Opal
The Phobia
The Quilt
The Reflection
by Kathryn » Rating: PG

The Snow
The Triangle
The Unchanged
by Sully » Rating: G

The Vow
The Window
The Xerox
by Sully » Rating: PG

The Yellow
The Zone

Send all stories to Welcome to Smallville. Please include the title, the rating, your first name, and any other information that might be needed. Please copy and paste your story into the e-mail instead of attaching it, otherwise I will not be able to post it.

Other Challenges