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The Statistics and Biography

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 155 lbs.

Age: 538

Hair Color: Dark brown, almost black

Eye Color: Homid and Garou-glows amber.

Using Disciplines-crimson red with a slight glow.

Weaponry: Dual katanas and a Grand Klaive

The Swords

"Sol Gladii"-"Sword of Sun" One of three katanas built for use by Garou. This one basically an anti-vampire weapon. Has several levels of power, each one gradually increased in ability. Sentient, is soul-tied to owner. Indestructable and "unkillable", except for a certain weapon of similar style that has been lost for some time now. The sword works to keep it's owner/weilder alive, however if the sword is destroyed, the owner/weilder automatically dies.

"Nox Gladii"-"Sword of Night" Second sword of the three, is also sentient like it's 'brothers', but has not been awakened. Was held by Wendigo's Sire, but has long since been given up. Still has indestructibility, but has nothing aside from that.

The Grand Klaive

Given to Him by His biological father before dying.
