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I have listed my awards my site has won on these pages. Be sure to click on the awards and visit some great sites, also sign their guestbooks to let them know you dropped by. Thank You to everyone who has Awarded Bob Lets Grow Old Together with an Award. I will display them Proudly!

Thanks a Bunch CC for this Beautiful Plaque  Join Today!

Thanks My Special Friend!!!  Thanks My New Online Friend!!!

Thanks My New Online Friend!!!  Thanks Sassy For this Beautiful Award!!!

Thanks Sassy For this Beautiful Award!!!  Thanks Coyote Jo For this Beautiful Award!!!

Thanks Coyote Jo For this Beautiful Award!!!  Thanks Coyote Jo For this Beautiful Award!!!

Thanks Coyote Jo For this Beautiful Award!!!  Thank you Lady True Heart for this Beautiful Award!!!

Thank you Kaye for this Beautiful Award!!!

Misty's Diamond Award

Awards page #2
Awards page #2
Awards page #3
Awards page #4
Awards page #5
Awards page #5
Awards page #7
Awards page #8
Awards page #9
Awards page #10
Awards page #11
Awards page #13 Takes you to the home page     Apply for My Award!