Ann Arbor, Michigan Ghost Hunters

Welcome to Ann Arbor Michigan's Ghost hunters group. We are trying to set up investigations for the Summer and Fall, If you are interesting in being a crew meamber or investigator, please e-mail us at: We have photo's but we have to get them copy writed before we put them on here. If you have pic's that you would like to see on this web page them please email them to us at the address above. If you are interested in join the group please go to the URL below: To get back to the Index page here is the URL is below
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Black Mist

These are are side by side pics of the same head stone at Union Cemetary in Ypsilanti on Textile Rd. as you can see in pic on the left there seems to be a black mist in the head stone and in the other pic its not there... could it be maybe it was later in the day? Maybe, maybe not? You be the judge.

Wooden Cross

This is the Cross made from a tree stump at Soop Cemetary in Belleville on Old Denton Rd. We resently went there on an Investigation with M.P.I. (Michigan Paranomal Investigations)

Wooden Cross

Angel with a small red orb at Union Cemetary in Ypsilanti. This maybe one of the places we go on an Investigation. Union Cemetary in on Textile Rd. in Ypsilanti.