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In today's news...

    Holey shit, I haven't updated this shit in like fucking four months.  So much has happened it's un-sane.  We have played wicked shows, and built our own recording studio to record a demo. 
We have been busy as beavers!  We have a couple songs that will be released on a comp soon, so keep your eye's peeled for that.  Some upcoming shows are with Kylesa, Noisear and Buried Terror at Smooch's (all ages, 2000 Central S.E.) on Sunday, Febuary 15th @8pm. W/Mastadon, Noisear, and The Ithaca Episode at the LaunchPad on Thursday Febuary 19th.  Saturday, March 6th @Warehouse21 in Santa Fe NM.  That's it for now, go to the shows, and bring your first born so we can drink it's blood and save it's mortal soul!!!!!!!!!!!! -Sonny and Yuri

    Thanks to everyone who showed up to the show last night.  It was way fun.  First show with Dave on guitar and Leo on vox. Thought it sounded pretty nice my self.  For those of you who missed us, we are playing again on the 29th at the LaunchPad with the Independents and 12 Step Rebels.  Check it out!  If you can't make that, you will see us at the show Nov 8th at the LaunchPad with Watch Them Die and Destined to Fall.  If you know anything about anything,  you will be at this show. -Y

    Shows added, check them out!

    Just finished spiffing up the site, I would like to thank Tyrone for helping me figure out how to do pop-up windows.  I really appreciate it.  Also re-worked the main/intro pages, so now you don't have to sit through the whole intro movie when you go back to the main page.  I hope my changes make getting around easier.
    In other news, Bulletrainmafia is scheduled to play with Watch Them Die on Nov. 8th at the LaunchPad.  Everyone should check it out, this band totally kicks ass.  Well, that's all for now, see you next time, same Bulletrain time, same Bulletrain channel. -Yuri

    Happy Birthday to Mike and Leo! Many happy returns.

    The media page is now a media/extra crap page since I added links and a guest book there.  I couldn't find a more appropriate place to put them, so that is where they will stay till I figure something else out.  Check them out.
    In non web site related news...  Last night we had our first real practice with both Leo and Mike on vocals, and it really sounds RAD! Everyone should be hella stoked when we play out again.  It's gonna be sweet.  You will all love it.  All right, that's all for now, keep coming back because stuff happens. -Yuri

    Updated the band page, now you actually know our names. Also did some work on the main page, put some more sounds to liven it up. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting events.

    Well I did it. is in (semi) full effect.  There is still so much to do, but at least it looks nice.  We have mp3s in the media section, as well as some photos of the band I stole from Kill Or Be  Check back in a few days, hopefully I will have some updates on the history of the band page.  In other news, the band is in a continued state of transition as we try to get our new guitar player Dave ready.  Speaking of our new guitar player, Leo's final show on guitar was last thursday.  Thank you every one who came, it was a great show.  I didn't think you could get so many people into that tinny bar.  Thanks for everyone at The Moonlight Lounge and The Sunshine Theater for letting us play.  It was way too fun.
    That's about all for news, so come back later, we are always doing something news worthy. -Yuri