In Bayliss Hall of Western Illinois University,
there is Room 1117. It has been reported
that a girl ,who once lived in this room, still haunts it today. As the story goes
a freshman girl was pregnant but didn't want her parents to find out and so she
delivered the baby in her room and then threw the evidence (including the child)
down the trash chute. The girl then returned to her room and hung herself in the
closet. Today the cries of the baby and the moans of the devastated girl can
still be heard. December Update: A local ghost hunter believes this room to be
Now about room 501 in Western
Illinois University's Bayliss Hall Macomb. This girl
suffered from severe depression. During the weekend, she hung herself in her
closet. Her roommate then found her upon returning for the weekend. Strange
occurrences now happen such as occasional lights turning on and off, strange
noises, and cold spots.
Western Illinois University,
Simpkins Hall. This building is the
second oldest on campus. At first, it was a grade school, then high school, and
now the
English building. There is a janitor that haunts the third floor. Many of professors
have claimed that the janitor turns off their office light and closes
the door while they were still working within. A little girl roams the 1st
floor. You can here her little running footsteps and an occasional giggle. If
you're lucky she asks if "you want to play".
Western Illinois University,
Tanner Hall.
In this building, there is
a ghost on the 12th floor. In 1972 a young man ran into the elevator door
during a water fight. He fell to his death in the elevator shaft down to the
fourth floor. Many occurrences such as people being touched and seeing a
mysterious male on the floor have been reported.
About 5 miles off the main road, of
Carlingville-Moore Cemetery
it hold some modern headstones with much older Civil War era stones
towards the back. The trees are filled with bats and a lone streetlight
illuminates the parking area. It is said that if the spirits don't want you
there, the light will go OuT. Odd lights can be seen hovering the older area of
the cemetery.
Behind Coles County Airport is
Rag Doll Cemetery
. A young girl, around
the age of nine, was murdered in her home. She would always carry around a
doll, with red hair and a blue dress on it. It was referred to as her little
"Rag Doll." When she was buried, her parents placed the rag doll in
her coffin. The murderer was never caught and the case was mysteriously
dismissed. However, to one person the murder was never left alone, "Her
Rag Doll." Late at night around midnight you go into the cemetery
to her grave there is a tall tree right next to it. Look up and you will see her
little "Rag Doll" hanging with a rope around its neck. However, when
it becomes daylight the doll disappears. It has been said that the doll is alive
and looking for the murderer who killed her best friend so it can get the right REVENGE!!!
Mental Institute was were many people died
because of the sick test the doctors tried on them and when they got caught they
had to shut it down. The most scary buildings have tunnels that lead all the way
to Chicago.
A long time ago the Riverside
Rehab Center
use to be a
morgue. On the top floor in the nursery, a crazed nurse hanged her self in the
shower by the shower head. For many years to this day that tub has been boarded
off. Late at night, there has been ghostly reports of a young women's face in
the top window. Also, workers have herd strange noises at 12:00 in the morning.
The State Mental Institution
is well-known for its
experiments consist of a huge complex of multiple buildings connected together
via under ground tunnels. The state run facility had been abandoned years ago.
The buildings lay empty today. Various sightings have been reported.
The Manteno Insane Asylum
has been abandoned. It was
opened in 1929 and closed in 1985. Most of the buildings are still there. There
was electro shock therapy, cold water treatment, and even lobotomies. Under
ground tunnels connect all the buildings together, and go other places.
In the old Maroa Grade School
there have been
reports by custodians late at night of a little boy that can be seen in the
boiler room. He is said to be wearing very old style clothing like 1940's. The
School is very old, it was possibly built in the late 1930's to early 1940's.
Others have seen the little boy through the 3rd floor windows. The creepy thing
is that if you look at the old class photos hanging in the hall dated back from
the very first class there is a missing photo of a child. The rumor is that the
boy possibly contracted an illness and died, thus his photo was not taken, but
he makes himself seen anyway.
Campground cemetery
is a small cemetery located
adjacent to a well traveled highway (Lake Road) at the corner of Lake Paradise
Rd., a few miles southwest of Mattoon, Coles county. Local legend says that
on some days, people have passed the cemetery and have seen picnickers in t
there dressed in clothing from the late 1800's or early 1900's. When they look
back a few seconds later, no one is in the graveyard. Strange lights have been
seen coming from the area, and when people have called the Sheriff's department
to report vandals, no one has been found.
It is said that late at night,
at Lexington Elementary school, the lights
in the school flash and loud screeches can be heard.
It is said that several car
accidents have been documented on
Grapevine Trail, AKA Dead Mans Curve. One in particular
killed a couple of teenagers. On a certain night around midnight you can hear
the screeching of tires and a crash shortly after the crash you can hear the
screams of a woman and then an explosion.
Their is a guy who walks around the
McHenry East High School
cafeteria at 3:45 P.M., and every year, on the last day of school, there are over
50 spirits of jail breakers who never got caught walking all over the school.
One Reported seen during lunch, Math Class and in the Library. (The School was
designed by a man who designed prisons) there are metal detectors in the
library and they go off every year for no reason.
The owners of the
Putnam County Junior High, John Swaney
and Sarah haunt the school. Lockers in the P.E changing rooms at games have been
known to open and shut. When people stay after school sometimes you will find
yourself being chased by a person in a black cape.
There is a site at 400th
Avenue Bridge
where hangings took place. The
tree, bridge, and fields are haunted. Whisperings, talking, chains, and screams
can all be heard. Apparitions have been seen on numerous occasions. If you touch
the tree, you sometimes get visions.
In 1986 a young boy was ran over and
killed by a tractor plow in at the
Milan Manor Apartment Woods. The farmer who was driving the plow reported seeing
a boy. The farmer stated the only description he could give of the second
boy was, he was wearing a red t-shirt, blue jeans, and had dark brown hair and
was around the age of eight. When the neighbors of the deceased boy, who resided
at Milan Manor Apartments were questioned, they reported seeing him last with a
young unknown boy fitting the farmers description. There were no reports of the
boy in the red t-shirt being seen until 1989. There have been numerous reports
of two boys playing in the woods together around dusk. Upon hearing this story a
couple of explorers decided to check it out. They took a trip to Milan Manor
Apartments parked in the parking lot found a trail that lead into the woods
located past the cul-de-sac. They followed the winding trail to a
little stream, crossed the stream walking over a piece of lumber, took the path
leading to the right, then they came to a fork in the path & decided to take
the left path up a hill after we reached the top of the hill we stopped to catch
their breath before continuing. As they caught their breath they saw two little
boys, one of which was wearing a red t-shirt running into the cornfield as they
entered the corn field they vanished. Unable to believe what they had just seen
they walked toward the cornfield and was unable to find even a footprint but
could still hear the laughter of the boys.
Zingg Road is between Millstadt and Belleville off State
Route 163. There are many stories about this road, such as a bridge where
someone hung themselves and if you drive by there on the anniversary of this
occurrence you can see them hanging from the bridge. Another one is of a house
where when you drive by a ghost truck chases you. Another one that is of a house
where supposedly a witch lived, that has since been torn down. - WARNING: If you
go on this road, be very careful, it is full of curves and hills. In fact, on
the first hill and curve of the road, a car hit the tree just before the bridge
and a girl was killed.
Dresden Cemetery
is the oldest cemetery in the area. It's
believed that the ground is spoiled and the graves did not want to be there. So
the cemetery was moved to the current St. Mary's cemetery in Minooka. The only
problem was when they moved the cemetery they could not find one grave, one of a
little boy. It's said that he wanders the cemetery at night looking for his
family, who was also buried there. Numerous cold spots and voices have been
At Aux Sable Cemetery it is said that if you go into the
cemetery and go down the path a ways you can see a little girl sitting staring
at you and it feels like you can not move but you really can. You can only see
her if you get out of your car. There has been a lot more things that happened
there. also when you try to leave the gates close but they have put up a big bar
in the gate so that you can get out. Sometimes if you stop and turned he car off
your windows will fog up. WARNING:
No trespassing! YOU Will be arrested.
Haunted hospital - Update: Has been torn down - abandoned about five
years ago stuff has been occurring such as stuff flying and such. Many have died
in here as it is a hospital with its own church and skywalk. located in the
basement , which is caged up, people have heard babies crying and doors slam
with no wind.
There are many stories about Snake Road. The stories begin with the
bridges on the road. First bridge: A woman had thrown her baby into the creek.
Sometimes if you stop and look over the bridge you can hear a baby cry. Around
the same area, a woman had hung herself in the trees. You can see her ghostly
figure by the trees hanging from a rope. - November 2003
UPDATE: The bridges have
all been taken down, and the church is gone as well.
Sugar Tree Grove Cemetery
is one of the oldest cemeteries in
Warren County. Most of the stones date back to the early 1800's. There is an
Indian buried there who was killed by the people trying to settle in the area.
Story has it that this Indian was responsible for scalping a white farmer who
was working in his field. The community hunted down the Indian and killed him.
There has been documented investigations in this cemetery several times in just
the past few years. Many uncertain images appear in pictures and audio
recordings playback what sounds to be Indian chanting. The area residents
discourage anyone from entering the cemetery after dark. This stems from several
problems with cult activity in the years past. Many have stated that even on the
hottest summer day once you enter the cast iron gates of the cemetery a cool
breeze will follow you around. If you travel to the cemetery go to the farthest
stone in the southeast corner of the cemetery and you will find the stone of the
unnamed Indian.
Morris Community High School
is located above coal mines. Students have spent the night their to investigate. They heard voices in the
hallway and believe that it is a librarian or someone of that sort. In the
boiler room voices are heard and the door closes behind you. No students are
allowed in after dark.
Aux Sable Cemetery is located in the countryside
between Morris and Minooka. Paranormal activity includes the locking of car
doors, fogging up of windows, and the entrance being blocked while attempting to
leave. Fires have been started mysteriously. The old grave keepers house has
tunnels under it two go to some where and the third has a gate to hell
supposedly. There have been many sightings on paranormal activity. WARNING:
No Trespassing or the Police will serve you a summands maybe even arrest you.
The tombstones in
Warner Hill
glow. There is often an figure of a woman
in white seen floating around. It is said it is the ghost of Mrs. Wagner. She
killed her husband after he was caught cheating on her. If she catches someone
there it's said that she will throw heads at you. If they hit you, it will kill
you instantly and the next person that ventures in there will see your body
hanging from nearby trees by a rope.
About 40 years ago in the rooms of
Carmel High School, the old monks and priests use to perform exorcisms. Most of the time they
were fake and nothing happened. But once a young boy was having an exorcism and
nothing happened he was still doing all sorts of impossible things. One day
after the priests performed this exorcism each priest died a horrible death. A
train hit one in a car crash, another in a house fire and the third. After all
of the priests died the boy next died. It is said today, that every Friday night
you will see the boy walking around out side the school. And every full moon it
is said that the priests try to cast out the spirits of the young boy once
The first murder in Mundelein took place in
this house, now called
First Murder
House. A wife was having an affair and the man she was having an affair
with shot her husband in the front hall of their house. The family that lives
there now has reported strange happenings. Every so often they will see a white
figure moving and floating at a very high speed through out the house. Unexplained
objects move and noises have also been heard.
An old lady named Marie came into
the store daily. After she passed away, odd things began to happen at the Old
Han-Dee Mart Building. Employees
reported odd feelings when in the back room by the cooler, the remote control
Christmas lights changing rotation only on second shift and once, a stack of
paperwork slid off a shelf, sat in the air momentarily, and then fell to the
floor. A customer and two employees once witnessed a loud scream. Customers
outside pumping gas heard nothing. Update:
The old Han-Dee Mart building was sold and is
being converted to an office building.
New Athens
Kids party at
Tunnel Hill
and sometimes when your
sitting all by yourself you hear growling and feel something rub up against your
leg. Sometimes around midnight you can see a silhouette of a dog. It is now
called the crazy tunnel dog.
New Lenox
Just a hotbed for paranormal activity.
The Sanctuary Golf Course
unearthed an Indian burial site a few years back, and who knows what else has
been unearthed and possibly ignored in the rapid sub-urbanization of this once
quiet rural town. Neighborhoods located on Jackson Creek seem to be especially
susceptible for ghost activity that includes strange screams and unexplainable
knockings and sounds.
There is an abandon house on Clinton Rd.
that at night
red and blue glossy lighted objects flash from the windows. Other than the house
on this road, you get the feeling that something just isn't right, it could be
90 degrees out and it gets chilly when you pass by the abandoned house. Even in
the daytime when you travel on this road there is never any wind, you never hear
birds or anything until you get back on the main highway.
Some have said to have seen a headless ghost
walking on the north side of
Gougar Rd. The story has it that the man lived in
the farmhouse on Gougar Rd., he committed suicide in the barn by hanging.
Messenger Woods Forest Preserve
has strange, uneasy feelings that occur to
people as they drive pass this place. Some even say they've heard screams and
have seen unexplainable shadow-like objects pass in front of their vehicles as
they have drove by.
Soldiers and Sailor's Home
was a placed where from what i understand,
soldiers and sailors left children in times of war. Though some of the
buildings have been renovated for offices, the theatre and select buildings
still remain. At night glowing yellow orbs can be seen in buildings.
Overwhelming feelings of depression can be felt whilst driving by the old
infirmary. Also if you go into some of the buildings they have been left as
they were then. A few years back some friends of mine went into the theatre.
They said that everything is still backstage.
Atkin-Colby Hall, at Illinois State University,
is 10 stories
tall plus penthouses' what we call the eleventh floors. The building opened in
the fall of 1962. The elevators only go up to the tenth floor; you have to take
stairs from there to the eleventh floors. The eleventh floors are generally
locked and used for storage. I believe people originally lived in them, although
nobody has for years. The eleventh floor of Atkin has a presence in it. Nobody
seems to know what could have caused a haunting up there, and I don't think a
ghost has ever been sighted. But there seems to be a very strong negative
presence. You can even feel it on the landing outside that locked door. I know
people who won't go up there alone at night.
A girl was said to have
died in the back stair well of the Fraternity House at Illinois
State University.
Her bedroom was on the
second floor and mysterious whispers and footsteps can be heard in the stairwell
and in her old bedroom.
Illinois State University
Williams Hall was once the
first library when ISU was originally built. Angie Milner
was the first
librarian there. When ISU expanded, they erected a new library, Milner Library,
in her name. However, the old librarian prefers her original home in the first
library, now Williams Hall. Workers and visitors say that you can hear footsteps in
the small room in Williams where rare and expensive books are still kept. The
only way into this room is thru sign-in. So nobody can be in there without the
on duty worker's permission. Sometimes, books are shipped-out to be rebound, and
after they are placed back in the old room, they are found just as tattered as
they were before. She stacks books in odd fashions, and has been sighted by a
handful of workers and students. There have been many occasions where books have
been mysteriously pushed one by one onto the floor and people have seen a white
object out of the corner of their eye. The library was scanned and measured and
the results were that there was some type of energy or spirit was present.
Oak Park
St. Johns Methodist Church
is an old church with many rooms
upstairs. People have seen an old lady in the basement area. They have a pool
table in the basement. Some people were playing pool once, when one of them sank
a shot and went to get the ball. He reached for the ball and the ball wasn't in
the pocket. He looked up to the others and asked where is the ball. When he said
that the ball fell from the ceiling onto the table. There are norrow winding
stairs that lead to a room. In the secluded upstairs room, there are words
written on the wall with red crayon in a little child's handwriting. The writing
says, "Be kind in God's house."
Evangelical Church Cemetery
is in a small town called behind
the old Graue Mill underground railroad station. Behind this
church lies the most haunted cemetery in the entire world. It has been rumored
that the church has been around since the early settlement of the Chicago area.
The church was certainly around during the time of the fugitive slaves and was
the church of the mill owners and the mill's surrounding inhabitants. Buried in
the cemeteries grounds are the bodies of the slaves which never achieved true
freedom and died on their trek to Canada. On some late summer nights it's been
said that one can see the slaves not at rest, but stirring about in the cemetery
and the church. The cemetery is most defiantly haunted by these restless souls
as well as many other ghouls and probably monsters. Just joking about the
monsters but for real the place is haunted and is defiantly worth a trip out to
Peabody Mansion
is right off of 83. There is this massive gothic
looking structure, that is quite creepy. This massive structure is Peabody'ss
mansion. Peabody reportedly died of a heart attack and shortly after that his
family moved out of the house. The place is truly creepy and locals often see
Oakley Township
Pecks Cemetery, is in Oakley Township where glowing dots have been seen floating in mid
air, wolfs howling, and sounds of feet running and when you look there isn't
anything there. WARNING:
There is a NO TRESPASSING here.You MUST have permission. You
could get shoot. so absolutely DO NOT GO AT NIGHT.
The legend is so old that nobody really knows what
happened to the man on
Green Lantern Rd.; but, as the story goes, if you travel down this road late at
night you will see a green shining lantern light quickly float behind your car,
your car lights will shut off and the car will die, then a man in a trench coat
ends up holding the lantern and walks out in front of you to the cemetery and
disappears in the woods' where as, your car starts up again.
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
there is old church that stands at the front. This church is said to be haunted. When the front door is knocked
sounds are heard within the church, sometimes choirs, footsteps and strange
lights. On some nights funeral sessions are seen at the church. Although no
funerals have taken place there since the 50's.
The Salvation Army
is haunted by a ghost of a small boy who
fell out of his mothers shopping cart and was killed. He spooks people in the
back room with hats and books and magazines.
Alexis Phelps House
- In the old days when slaves were being traded,
Alexis Phelps kept slaves hidden from traders. It is said that slaves walk
around the lower levels and crawlspaces of the house. Alexis Phelps is said to
be walking around the entire house.
A long time ago,
Cherry Rd and Help
Rd. there was a girl and her
boyfriend driving down the road after prom. Towards the end of the road, there
is a sharp curve and at night you can't really see it. Supposedly they went off
the road and the girl died instantly. The boy crawled out of the road and wrote
help in his own blood. He died right after that. On some nights, you are
supposed to see it written in the road and you can see the girl walking down the
road. This is rumored to be a
It is said the road crews find it fun to
write ?Help? in the tar when resurfacing them.
Shopping Center
at Smith and Route 14, right on the northeast corner
of this intersection. In front of the shopping center stood the old Browns
Chicken & Pasta restaurant, site of the infamous Brown's Chicken Massacre of
1993. On a cold January morning in 1993, police found seven murdered people
stuffed in freezers in the back room of the restaurant, apparently victims of a
robbery. The building had stood empty until the following year, and then it
became a dry cleaning establishment. It was then when some people experienced
very violent, and angry vibes that were not their own, and some had felt sudden
decreases in temperature even during the height of the summer. Nearby residents
even claimed they had heard the sounds of faint shots and screaming during the
evening hours, often repeated time after time. The cleaning establishment
finally went out of business in 1999, and the building was torn down the
following year. The oddities still continued. In May of 2002, the two killers
were finally apprehended after nine years of little or no leads or progress in
the case. Since then, there have been no more reports of any odd feelings or
ghostly sounds. It would seem the spirits have been able to rest.
In the 1970's a girl drowned in the deep end of the pool at Freud High School. There has been reports of a swim suit floating in the water, and when people go in to retrieve it, the water is freezing cold where the suit is. The lockers in the Girls Locker room are also known to open and close all by themselves.
There are
three California Roads in
Pekin. The one which connects Sheridan Road with Broadway Road is haunted. (This
is the one you can get to by traveling on Veteran's Parkway and continuing at
the light). At night, one can see bright lights in the trees ahead as if someone
is shining a police spotlight on them and there will be no police in the area.
Also, on Sheridan Road, there is a "wall" of mist that never
The theatre at
Pekin High School
is haunted by Sid,
who used to be a stage manager. He would sit upon the catwalks and do the
lights. He died of a heart attack in the dressing room.
An apparition of a man in a brown suit has
been seen in the Bradley University Theatre,
accompanied with the smell of cigar smoke and cologne.
"Players", AKA Peoria Players Theatre
is supposedly haunted by
Normie the friendly ghost. He died on stage during a performance a long time
ago. This is possible because Players is the third oldest theatre in the country
(I think). Normie has been seen backstage several times and has even helped a
few people out with lighting. The toilets have flushed themselves. He supposedly
likes the women's dressing room too. A painting of him hangs in the bathroom.
At St. Frances
Hospital there
are rumors of two ghosts, of two nuns, that were
working a hundred years ago. They have been seen sometimes in the hospital in
various places.
An outdoor swimming pool was once
located at the site of Woodruff
High School
parking lot. Sometime after it was built, some kids climbed the fence
for a midnight swim. A teenage boy drowned, almost pulling his girlfriend down
with him. Teenage girls who drive across the spot sometime feel a hand at their
ankles, pulling their foot hard onto the gas pedal.
Zeller Mental Hospital
- Update:
Was closed by the State in 2002 and
reopened in 2003 as a Community College. - voices, noises, and apparitions are
heard and seen. Unseen cars can be heard driving up and headlights of cars that
disappear when you go out to check to see who's there. Police or ambulance
sirens can be heard driving up but none appear.
In 1956 a librarian, at
Peru Washington School, always got made fun of by
kids, got her car egged. On April 12, 3 kids went upstairs to the
library after school, where the librarian killed all 3 students, then herself.
Sometimes if you go to the library after school, you'll hear screaming.
Humiston Woods, behind one of the larger creeks, there is an Indian
Burial site where there are still remains of Indians. Many of them being
children bones. When children play around this area, they tend to feel a pull at
their legs as if someone is trying to use them to get out, or someone is trying
to pull them in.
Port Byron
On Cherry Street there used to stand a home, which is now torn down. It
used to be a hospital back in the war. Then later was a nursing home. There has been a man in a hat
called "the man in the hat" that has been seen roaming around in the
home. Seen by residence and visitors. Smoke in the dining room when no one was
smoking. Very strong presence , eerie feelings, once someone heard there name
called and no one else was in the home. Very strong eerie feelings even from the
Prairie du Rocher
Between 11 pm and midnight, on every 4th of
July that falls on a Friday, a phantom funeral procession forms at Fort
de Charles. There are about
40 wagons and additional riders on horseback who escort a casket lying on a
wagon. This was first witnessed in 1889. Last sighting 2003!
There are lights in the back corner of the
Cemetery at nighttime. When you walk forwards you can see something hanging in a
tree and if you blink it will disappear. Up in front of the mausoleum you can
see and hear little children playing, and when you walk towards them and smile
they will smile back at you wave and disappear.
In the early 1900's, a house stood in the place of where the Madison
School is today. A woman, living alone was
murdered and the killers were
never found. It is told that she was dragged down the large staircase, then
stabbed until her screams stopped. They then hid her body in the closet at the
base of the stairs. The bloodstains were never able to be removed completely.
The Quincy Junior
High School was built over
forty years ago. A
student had lost his girlfriend and hung himself in the bathroom over the
loss. Most students now were never told about this incident, so they wouldn't get
any ideas. The boy is heard by teachers and staff after school crying faintly
and they hear footsteps to the bathroom, mumbling and then it all stops. It
replays on the day the kid died. Teachers had tried to figure out natural causes
but when ever they went to check for something that was within a short distance
from the haunting, it would stop.
Quincy University-
The fourth floor of Padua Hall
haunted by a former student that committed suicide by jumping out of the window.
The floor was eventually closed down, but reopened earlier this year. People
have reported hearing the boy screaming.
Reynolds Township
In the rear of
cemetery there is the
small grave of a baby boy. The baby was abandoned and found weeks later and the
mother was never caught. On a full moon at exactly midnight you can feel his
heartbeat if you lay your hand on his stone.
Rock Island
Back in the early 1900's
The Villa was a
school for girls, like dormitories. It was a Catholic School. The legend
has it that the priests would have intercourse with the nuns, then when the nuns
were pregnant, they would physically take the baby out of the womb and burry
them into the walls. If you go there at night, you can here the aborted babies
knocking on the walls, trying to get out. Toilets flushing for no apparent
reason, footsteps, and women screaming. There have also been many suicides that
have occurred at The Villa on the 4th floor.
Corn field
sightings of white orbs, a strange man
who disappears once you leave the corn field, off of bell school rd close to the
new condos just built
Blackhawk - it is said that in this house down the road a black man
was shot in the basement and now the people that live in that house have seen a
black shadow wander around their house during the night.
Visitors of the old cemetery, called Bloods
get chased by a ghost
truck which will follow you with no headlights then suddenly flip them on and
chase you then disappear. An old bridge where three women were hung is a site
for more activity. It is known if you stop your car at the end of the bridge and
try to start it again it will not.
It is said that several stores in the Cherryvalle
are to
be haunted. Several mall employees have reported being followed through the mall
by unseen forces after hours. Things moving on their own, hangers swinging,
clothes mysteriously falling off racks, strange voices, bathroom doors
being held shut when no one was there, and occasionally a store would be rather
messy the next morning when it was cleaned quite well the night before.
It is said that an old theater lover that worked
for the East
High School died many years ago. An old employee of the school saw the figure
of a woman walking on the auditoriums balcony. He later identified the woman as
Addy (or Haddy as the thespians called her) the woman who had died. To this day
people have heard footsteps in an empty auditorium, exit lights flashing when
the wiring had been check several times, faint singing after school hours were
closed, doors slamming shut, things being moved around, and several other
strange occurrences
At Jefferson High School a girl fell off of ladder on stage by props
balcony. You hear he cries and moans only when a show is on.
Sometimes the tech
theatre students see her shadow trying to get up off of the ground.
An interesting place is our
Rockford Board of Education building at 201 S.
Madison St. in Rockford. The head
custodian there has for many years told stories of the evening shift custodians
and the basement. The building was at first built as Rockford Central High
School near the turn of the 20th century. It has two buildings attached to it
and an underground hallway that my mother (deceased) used as a student and they
called that passage "rat alley". The hallway connected the first
building to the second building. The basement of the "haunted" area
used to be the "shop" area and housed small machines for the male
students to practice machine skills. It is not clear what happened down there,
but the custodians DON'T like to go down there at night, the lights will turn on
after being turned OFF. Many a morning the head custodian will arrive for his
day shift and find all the lights on in the basement. The lights seem to have a
will of their own. A former secretary thought it was strange to hear grown
men sound afraid of the basement. They hear noises down there, voices, all kinds
of things.
The only surviving remnant of
Rockford Colleges' original campus, is reported to echo with the laughter of
young women late at night. it's Adams' Arch.
Rockford College/ Burpee Building - Students and staff members
working late in the basement of the Burpee building have reported seeing doors
rattle violently or slam shut, hearing footsteps in the hallway, and a male
voice in the old radio station rooms. - November 2003 Update: Haunting believed
to be caused by a guy who committed suicide. A person reportedly was working
late one night and saw a reflection of him in the window. When he turned around
and looked at the sound room, there was no one there. Then the papers the guy
was working on blew off his desk, and the only paper that was left on the desk
was an old archive article about the guy's death.
The Clark Arts Center
at Rockford College- is said to be haunted by
the ghost of the Theatre Arts professor who designed the building. Flickering
lights, piano music, and echoing footsteps on catwalks are just some instances
of this; in particular, Cheek Theater, Maddox Theater (as well as the hallway
outside of it) and the green room (actors' dressing room) seem to be hot spots.
Hall, at Rockford College (5th floor),
is where an epileptic girl
died in the bathtub over a Thanksgiving break some years ago is reported to have
ghost activity. August 2004 additional information: A cheerleading squad has just
came back from a four day cheerleading camp at Rockford College and they stayed
on the 6th and 7th floor. In many cases, as they took their showers, they would
hear a girl singing. Also in the bathroom, one cheerleader heard a man talking
yet could not understand what he was saying, when there were no men in the
building at anytime during the four days (the janitors were all women). Also, in
room 607, many times everything on the third shelf from the top fell for no
reason, sometimes when no one was in the room, everything on the shelf was: a
box of tissues; sandals laying flat; and towels. Two cheerleaders stayed in room
603 and they heard walking and the chair sliding across the floor above me in
room 703, when no one stayed in that room and the unoccupied rooms are locked
and they did not have a key to that room.
Maddox Theatre, Rockford College, in the dressing rooms, lights
sometimes flicker. They once went off in a storm and a face seemed to appear in
the mirror. Often, in different parts of the theatre, loud screaming noises can
be heard, even though nobody is around. The area around the building always
seems to be windy. Also In the prop room in Maddox theatre, there is a bell that
supposedly rings on it's own. It was taken years earlier for a girl that was ill
in her room and anytime she needed anything, she was to ring the bell. A couple
of days later, she died in a car accident. It is said that a man several years
later had the bell for the same purpose, and he would wake up in the middle of
the night to the sound of the bell ringing.
Rockford College
- Talcott Hall -
Room of a student who hung himself
in the early nineties.
Rockford - Twin Sisters Park Woods - If you walk by the willow tree it is said
that you have a strange desire to go into the woods. There is an old hanging
tree with some odd carvings on it. A little girl is said to be seen walking
Wagon Wheel Lodge
is an old resort which is said to be haunted by a
bell hop who mysteriously disappeared one night and of a man who was a guest in
lodge who hanged himself in his room. The wagon wheel has since burned down 3
different times, the last was 4 years ago and has not been opened since. If you
drive by you can see what appears to be a "face" in the window and you
can see lights on through the windows but, the lodge has no electricity. -
February 2005 Update: Has been torn down.
!!!WARNING!!! - This area is patrolled by police, and you will be arrested if
you trespass. You MUST get permission to investigate any of the places on this
Rolling Meadows
There have been many events
leading to paranormal activity in The Brookwood
complex playground. When the buildings were first
built many years ago, a construction worker brought his two children to the job
site and they were killed by a falling temporary wall. These children are often
seen or heard playing by the playground.
The Sheraton Gateway Suites Hotel
is an atrium style hotel
with 11 floors, and several people have killed themselves jumping off the
balcony. There have also been drug overdose deaths in two of the rooms and in
the parking lot. Guests have reported that they have seen figures moving through
their room at night, hearing strange noises that cannot be the neighbors because
all the rooms are soundproof since the hotel is across from the OHare airport.
One guest said that after she took a shower she came out of the bathroom to find
her clothes thrown all over the room, and no one could have gotten into the room
because she put the latch on the door. you can also see a man dressed in a suit
looking over the top floor balcony on the east side of the hotel, the same spot
where a man jumped off, in the fall of 2001. A worker at this hotel that has
worked the overnight shift, 11pm to 7am, heard noises such and typing and
talking, when no one is there. This place definitely has problems.
There is a legend of an angel statue the sits
on top of a grave near the park side entrance of the Calvary
cemetery. Supposedly, she
turns around and weeps when it is late, or on a certain date, or something like
that. Also, there are several large, old trees in the cemetery that move and
sway, even if there is no wind.
Since Panther Creek was founded, reports of mysterious footprints of a large cat have been
reported at the Panther
Creek Subdivision.
Also, people
have claimed to have seen a large leopard or such in the wooded area around the
area. Growling and sometimes roaring can be heard near the creek itself.
There have been strange happenings at Prairie
Capitol Convention Center
such as
doors slamming and seats slamming shut. The convention center is haunted by a
young boy that was killed in the convention center while watching a tractor
pull. Boy was killed by flying engine parts from a blown tractor engine. He died
instantly and is still their wondering the convention hall at night.
Joe supposedly haunts the
Center. He was one of
the best actors there one night when he was coming out of the building he was
pulled be hind an alley and was murdered! He has haunted the theatre ever since.
St. Charles
There can be voices heard coming from the balcony
& thought the Arcada
Theatre building. A strange smell along with coldness sometimes floats
through various parts of the theatre.
Haines Middle School
haunted by different teachers said to roam
the halls in the early morning hours.
Various interpretations have been given for the
mysterious moans and noises coming from the hotel's sixth floor, at Hotel
Baker. Once serving as
the employee dorm, it is now a large storage area. Some say that the floor is
haunted by a chambermaid who drowned herself in the nearby Fox River, sometime
in the 1970`s. She is rumored to have been left at the altar. Investigators
found evidence, but no trace of the woman was uncovered.
A haunted road, Munger
were many car lights have
been seen and then disappeared. Also old insane asylum which is haunted.
December Update 2003: the insane asylum has been knocked down. however, the rail
road tracks are the big spot. rumors are that weird things happen on those
At night you can see bright white figure standing on a curb, on Prairie
looking for someone. About five minutes later a shadowy car pulls up
and they both vanish.
St. David
St. David Grade School
a young girl was ran over while she was
running across the street right in front of the school. She haunted the third
swing from the right on the big swing set in the playground. Also, a janitor
hung himself in the girl's restroom in the basement. In the classroom next to
the restroom, there were doors slamming and papers flying off a desk when
windows were closed. Since the occurrences, the school has been closed and
someone lives in the abandoned school building.
Rock River
on 7th Avenue,
many ghosts have been sighted along the
Rock River along the bluffs and railroad tracks where many have died on the
"blind corner" near the Dillon Museum hit by trains and also drowned
in the river's strong currents. On the dead end road of Seventh Avenue it is
said that you can hear a mother calling for her children and that a woman can be
seen walking along the tracks and disappears in thin air.
it is known that a group of children (not sure what
kind or how many) were murdered in the preserve. Almost every time entered, the
unsettled spirits make some kind of contact.
Hanover Countryside Elementary School,
supposedly haunted by the ghosts of several teachers that have passed away in
the years. Sounds have been heard ranging from bells to chains, to voices. Also
Lights seem to turn on and of by themselves.
Streamwood High School's
auditorium is supposedly haunted by a
ghost named "Elvira", a girl who died there many years ago. This
reporter is a skeptic, but there have been numerous sightings of this spirit by
a few reliable sources.
Moon Creek Cemetery
is located just South of the city
and has been known to have a "hatchet lady". Many years ago, her
daughter died. The tragedy caused her to go insane and each night of a full moon
a spirit is seen running around the cemetery, tossing hatchets. An Alternate
story is that she was a widow who lost her son in a war. She was rumored to hang
around Moon Creek until her death. Also, colored mists were seen back in the
1980s. People's vehicles have also been known to die as soon as they drive
through the gate. Mysterious fires have also started when visitors have been
Andersons Cemeteryis cemetery
filled with
creepy paranormal activity. There is an old part of the cemetery that in the
daytime is unreachable. Only after dark will the trees part and the path appears
again to the ancient tombstones. Also haunted by a specter wolf that is said to
chase trespassers.
It is said that if you go out
to the Stone
Cabin you will see a
dead dog and it's said to be sitting at the front entrance of the building only
it's head. And there is a bridge right after it that if you walk across it you
have brought bad luck upon yourself, and a girl was hung out there on that
bridge. If you go into the back room of that cabin know matter how cold it is it
becomes very warm. - Warning if caught trespassing you could get arrested.
In the 1800's a woman was hung off the side of
Witch's Bridge
for being a witch. Since then, it is said that if you stop on the
bridge late at night you will hear footsteps. If you stay too long, it might
take a minute to restart your car. Also, strange lights flicker over the creek
cult lived at The Oaks Trailer Park
in 1985 and tortured 54
civilians. There has been numerous reports of people being chased by shadow
Screams and white blurs of light heard and seen at the railroad
Every other week the "ghost train" comes at 1:59 am and leaves at
2:01. Some times (I've seen this once) people wander down to THE TRACKS and a
week later you would see missing signs up.
Clements Cemetery
Formerly listed as Woodlawn Cemetery. Legend states
that the road beside Woodlawn Cemetery is haunted by a ghost that locals call
"The Blue
Man." Witnesses have seen him walking the road, swinging a
lantern from side to side. Most of the sightings seem to occur at twilight.
It is said that the ghosts of a student and a
teacher haunt the fourth floor of Urbana
High School, supposedly they were involved
and the husband of the teacher found out and ended the relationship, the two
lovers in a final act of undying love hung themselves together. It is also said
that there is a wall in one of the boarded up classrooms that will always leak
red paint/blood. The wall has been painted twice every year and has never failed
to leak the mysterious red substance. There are also sightings of strange lights
in the fourth floor tower after hours at the school. The fourth floor has been
boarded up and students and staff are not allowed access, excepting some
janitors that use the floor for storage.
There have been sightings of strange animals and colorful
orbs seen in the Woodsedge
Woods and sometimes at night if your walking through the trails
you will see a horse and carriage appear and vanish and you always get the
feeling of being watched
Valley View
A long time ago Youth Detention Center
was a monastery used
by monks who slept in the attic (4th floor) and a couple of monks hung them
selves and now on stormy nights the phone rings on the control desk and is from
an ex. That doesn't exist and breathing is heard in either side of phone also
noises are heard and a white figure has been seen.
Vernon hills
Bear Lake
there's a girl who was killed and thrown in the
lake and you can find baby hands in the lake because she was having a baby at
the time and now she haunts everyone
Villa Park
A new
is built on an old cemetery, the
workers there report hearing chains rattle and people talking real late at night
when no one is there.
Patrick's Cemetery
had heavy satanic activity. There was a house, barn,
and animal shelter through the woods. Story is that a witch killed her husband
and burnt the house down. The barn and "kennel" stood for some
years before they too mysteriously burnt down. Mostly known for a cult hang out,
but people have complained of glowing tombstones and chills. Located on Mill
Creek rd. Wadsworth.
There is a pond over in Larkdale
where it is said that a
little boy drowned. If you drive by the pond past midnight, you will see the
little boy standing next to a 'no swimming' sign near the pond.
Shimer College
a small school and the classes are held in old
historic houses. Some of the students giving the tour explained their personal
encounter with some of the spirits in the houses.
One 20 Ocean Place.
This restaurant use to be a funeral Chapel, &
now itis a restaurant. The lights towards the back of the restaurant on the
right side of the kitchen tend to dim down all by themselves. When someone is
walking up the back staircase, (usually only used by employees) you can hear
someone walking behind you. In the women's bathroom, as an employee was washing
their hands, they felt someone looking at them, so they glanced out of the
corner of their eye & saw someone, but when they turned their head to look
there was nothing there. In the elevator you can get a sort of uneasy feeling.
Loyola Academy High School Theatre
there has been a legend that a
blue light appears in the "little theatre" of Loyola Academy high
school when all the lights are out. It is said that a young male student died in
the theatre from falling from the catwalk years ago before the school went
Those are creepy looking woods, Ryders Woods,
in Woodstock. It is said
that a man in black used to rape children and then murder them and throw them in
the pond. He then went mad and killed himself. Now if you go to the woods at
night, you see a lot of activity by the pond. Steam will rise and you will see
orbs, children laughing has been heard, and sightings of the man in black have
been seen.
Zion Moose Club #667
- The land that the Moose now stands on was the
previous site of a home, which burned down in the 1940's. A young girl 8 years
old died in the house fire -- patrons of the Moose have repeatedly seen the
ghost of a young blonde haired girl playing in the facility, have experienced
lights flickering, doors slamming, and have heard strange, giggling noises from
a child that isn't there. Members have named their resident ghost
"Mary" and acknowledge her upon entering and exiting the facility.