posted 2.13.04 at 1:54am>>

...i am on a roll, motherfuckers...there are two newly-written songs up in the lyrics section...they are called "checkmate" and "exposing the vertebrae"...enjoy...


posted 2.01.04 at 1:48am>>

...another new song has been written...this one is "painless" can check it out in the lyrics will probably be worked on a little more in the future, but i decided to give you the product thus far...


posted 1.27.04 at 1:48am>>

...i just wrote and posted a new song, called "Black Cats And Shattered Mirrors"'s in the lyrics section...hope you like it...


posted 12.27.03 at 2:14am>>

...for those that didn't notice, i got Gabriel to create a "poetry" link. there you will find some of my newer dark poetry that i deemed worthy of public viewing, and all of my future poems shall be posted there as well. and as a side note, always remember this: abuse is essential to life. for without abuse, without pain, without suffering, we cannot truly know if we are alive, or just in some fucked-up dream. so don't hate the abuse, wherever it eminates from...embrace it, and become stronger because of it...


posted 12.24.03 at 12:51am>>

...just posted a new song in the lyrics section. just wrote it a few days ago, hope you like it. it's called "the carnival song". it definitely comes straight from people's fear of clowns. i've never personally had a fear of clowns...i've just always wanted to be a clown that people fear...


posted 12.11.03 at 1:57am>>

...hey, Malice here...just wanted to let you know that the lyrics to "...third floor suicide..." have been modified. check 'em out. and, like Gabriel said, i am currently writing some new songs for our upcoming album. stay tuned, and we just might get some rough cuts of some of our songs up here...


posted 12.05.03 at 11:35pm>>

...Malice is currently writing more songs for CWD's upcoming album, "...slit your wrists..." keep checking for more updates...

...tighten the noose...
