...sELf iNfLiktid...

...self-inflicted knife wound
borne out of hatred
maggots fall from the open cut
nothing’s ever solved
but nothing really matters anymore
when you’re consumed by pain, the hate just drifts away
...for a while...

...then it is back
stronger than ever
hatred grips a hold on me
it claws at my mind
turning it into an all-consuming ball of rage
i need to let it out
...so i make another cut...

...the scars exist to show my hate
i’m one big scar, really
for i hate everything
“pain” etched into one arm
“hate” in the other
“rage” carved into my brain
blood soaked into the carpet...

i hate you
i hate me
as i put the blade to my wrist,
i hate the whole goddamn world

© Malice of Crying Whilst Dying - 2004