Name: Andarta
Age: Probably much older than you think
Race: Spirit Diety
Eyes: Brownish
Skin: Pale
Hair: Dark Blonde
Word of description: Goddess, hopeful and concerned
Andarta was created as a spirit of guiding and her essence connected to the plane of Krynn. She cannot leave and solely exists to be a comfort to those lonely souls. But everything has a price on Krynn. Unfortunately for her, the cataclysm has left her with few who still believe in her existence. In fact, it leaves her with only one person. The sad part is, she can only exist if she is believed in...:( Aww... Thus it is only Fala, who she can help, and even then her help is not always help at all.
That's where Fala comes in, who is a broken cleric. Andarta tries to help her out, but....lets just say she is unsuccessful in her endeavors.
All the while, she is guiding Lady Lost to her destiny.