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undefined (*As we come back from the previous commercial break, we see Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler sitting at their announcer's table.*)

Jim Ross: Folks during our commercial break, I received word from somebody in the back that the "Demonic Beast" Batista is going to be making his way down to the ring within moments, to well..."Speak his mind".

Jerry Lawler: Speak him mind, huh? Well I don't know quite what Batista has in his mind that he would want to speak about, usually his let's people find out what he's thinking with his actions.

Jim Ross: Well King, if I know Batista like I think I do, then this time spent on Batista will be filled with degradation and quite frankly I don't want to even sit here and listen to it!

(*JR rips his headset off his head and throws it down to the announcer's table! JR gets up and storms away up the ramp!*)

Jerry Lawler: What?! Ross I need you down here!

(*The fans cheer on as they see JR storm away...Then just as Ross comes around the entrance way to disappear behind the curtain, it hits...*)

Jerry Lawler: AH! It's too late! Batista's coming now!

(*We hear Batista's music hit the speakers as JR stops in his tracks. From behind the curtain we see none other than the big man himself, Batista.*)

Jerry Lawler: JR! Run!

(*Jim Ross stands in front of Batista like a scolded puppy with a fearful look in his eyes. Batista smiles at JR, but not with demonic intentions, instead it appears to be a genuine smile across Batista's face?*)

Jerry Lawler: WHAT?!

(*Batista extends his right hand out to JR, for a handshake. The fans boo because they don't trust Batista. JR looks around for a reaction from somebody. JR doesn't know what to do, so he extends his hand out and Batista shakes it!? Batista smiles on as Jim looks on in shock. The fans don't even know what to, instead of booing they simply shut their mouthes and watch. Batista's music plays on as we see Triple H and Test in the "Genetic Evolution's" locker room watching Batista on the monitor.*)

Triple H: What in the hell is he doing?!

(*Triple H and Test watch on, this time they are more alert and watching Batista's every move. We are taken back to the ramp where we see Batista talking to JR...JR must have liked what he heard because he's walking back to the table and putting his headset on. Batista walks down the ramp and approaches the ring.*)

Jerry Lawler: JR, what the heck was that all about?

Jim Ross: King, i'm not really sure if I understand it, but I think Batista's got a lot to say!

(*Batista steps over the top rope and is handed a microphone from ringside. The music dies out and Batista stands in the middle of the ring with the microphone in hand.*)

BATISTA: I'm sure that most of you are probably wondering why i'm out here right now. And wondering why I shook JR's hand. Well the answer to both those questions is very simply, BECAUSE I CAN. Which is the point of why I am out here...You see, about a month ago I signed a contract to join the GWF. Nowhere did it say that I was here to destroy and pile up opponents, and nowhere did it say that I was hired here to take out the trash. The ideas behind that signing were mine, but they were never put onto my contract when I signed that dotted line...I just said those things, because that's how I felt at the time. And how I feel at the time, is still the same. I wasn't hired here for any special reasons, it's just that President McDermott wanted my talent in his rankings to help further my career, and help bring some painful entertainment to you fans.

My whole gimmick was to get you fans to jump out of your seat when my music played, and boo the hell out of me. You did your job. You booed me every chance you got, and i'll admit that I loved it, but only because it showed that I was doing my job. But then I came to my senses, that the only thing I was doing was getting you fans to boo me everytime I came down that aisle. When I stepped into this ring, it was pure business, but nothing was accomplished on my part. My first match in the GWF, sure I beat Page, and there's a lot of people that can, but that didn't do nothing for me. Sure i'm still climbing up the rankings in the GWF, but last time I checked, I was still ranked 18th. That's good enough to get a shot at most Title belts, but it's not good enough for me.

Then last week, not short after I beat Page, I was approached by Triple H in front of my locker room door. Triple H, when I seen you standing there, my first thought was to grab you by the throat, lift you ten feet, and throw you to the side so I could get into my locker room.

(*We see Triple H getting a furious look on his face in his locker room, as Test just sits and watches.)

BATISTA: But as always Hunter, you had something good to say. Something so good, that I didn't even think twice about it. You came to me, and wanted to form the most elite faction that the GWF, or for that matter, the entire world has ever seen. You wanted to recruit the biggest and the best to walk down that aisle with you, and make sure that things will go your way. Didn't seem like much of a problem for me, since i'm one of the young guys around here. No problem for me, because I seen that as an opportunity, but at no point in time did I think about the future. And being aligned with you for the past week Hunter, i've noticed that i'm finally getting some of the recognition that i've been striving for since I signed that contract, but once again it didn't take my anywhere. All the Evolution, your evolution, did for me was to enforce your matches at ringside and make sure that you won by any means necessary.

Triple H, now that I think about it, that doesn't sit well with me. As a matter of fact, right after I beat Page that night, somebody from the back told me that I have made it into the rankings where I could have the chance to challenge Superstars like Rob Van Dam (Fans cheer) for the Hardcore Title...Or Crash Holly for the European Title...But the strap that I couldn't take my eyes off of that night, is the same Championship that you wear over you right shoulder. The night you wanted to form the "Genetic Evolution", was the same night that I was going to challenge you for the US Title. But maybe that's why they call you the cerebral assassin, because you're always one step ahead. But Triple H, even you know that you never seen this coming...Triple H, tonight...I'm calling you out!

(*We see Triple H take his right fist and punch a whole through the monitor! Test tries to calm down Triple H but Hunter goes on a rampage. We can now see this on the Globaltron as Batista watches on with satisfaction.*)

Jim Ross: Batista just challenged Triple H for the US Title and Hunter isn't happy about this one bit!

(*Triple H gains a little composure and walks out of the locker room as Test tries to follow him. Triple H is walking with purpose down the halls of the Arena, he approaches behind the curtain. Without his music because he is being caught off-guard, Triple H walks into the Arena and starts yelling and pointing at Batista. Test follows behind Triple H and the two quickly make their way down to the ring. Triple H steps in as Test follows. Triple H immediately walks up to Batista and tries to rip the microphone out of his hands!*)

BATISTA: I don't think so Champ...This isn't your time, IT'S MY TIME!

(*Batista smiles as the fans cheer. Triple H's face turns red and he is beginning to fill with anger because he can't believe that somebody is talking down to him like this! Test tries to calm down Triple H, then he yells at Batista...*)

BATISTA: Don't worry Mr. 2003 Royal Rumble winner, this is between H and myself. So you can just take your pencil and paper and walk the hell out of here, but keep them handy because soon enough YOU'LL BE TAKING THE TEST!

(*The fans go crazy as Test and Triple H are now besides themselves!*)

BATISTA: Test, I never did like you, and it's not because you're Canadian, it's because you're a jackass! No wait, since you're in the evolution, I guess this makes you a "Genetic Jackass"!

(*Test loses it and charges at Batista! Batista uses his cat-like reflexs and quickly clotheslines Test down to the mat, while still holding the microphone in hand. Batista tosses the microphone at Triple H, and then grabs Test by the head and tosses him out of the ring!*)

(*Batista rips the microphone out of Triple H's hand.*)

BATISTA: You don't think that i'm Championship material? Well nobody else though that Mick Foley was championship material either, and look what he did with his career (Fans cheer)! Triple H, I will be more than happy to face RVD on Raw for the Hardcore Title...And just keep in mind Hunter, I helped build the "Genetic Evolution", and i'm gonna help destroy it!

(*Batista shoves the microphone into Triple H's hand and walks past him, almost about to leave the ring...*)

Triple H: Hey Dave, one other thing...Remember back when you said that if you aren't apart of the Evolution that it'll wipe you out? Well...

(*Test blindsides Batista and grabs his leg! From behind Triple H takes his US belt and slams it into Batista's skull! Dropping the beast down to his knees!*)

Jim Ross: That son of a bitch!

(*Test gets in the ring as Batista stumbles on one knee after that shot from Triple H's title. Test pats his knee, signaling for the Big Boot as the fans boo. Triple H instructs Test as Batista gets back up to his feet. BOOM! Test drops Batista with the Big Boot! Test trash talks over Batista's body as Triple H walks up to him with the microphone in hand. Triple H kneels down next to Batista.*)

Triple H: Dave this is tough-love, but if you beat RVD on Raw, consider this a preview. And if you face me for the US Title, consider your ass out of the Evolution!

(*Triple H throws the microphone down as Test raises his arms up in the air. Triple H's music now plays as the fans boo. Batista lays motionless in the ring as Triple H and Test step out and begin walking up the entrance ramp.*)

Jim Ross: I think Triple H is giving Batista a chance to back down from his challenge, and stay in the "Genetic Evolution".

(*As Triple H and Test are just about to disappear behind the curtain, Batista quickly jumps to his feet and grabs the microphone! The fans erupt in cheers as Triple H and Test stop, without even looking back because they know what's next.*)

BATISTA: Is that all you got? IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?! Hunter, you don't scare me boy, and that's why i'm not backing down. And as for you and me in the ring for you US strap, consider it signed and finished, because it will happen. This dream of yours to have an elite team is now crashing down in a nightmare. This is your worst nightmare Hunter...I AM your worst nightmare. As for the "Genetic Evolution", like I said earlier, i'm gonna help destroy it, because I don't want any part in it anymore. This evolution is a crock of shit, and it's all about you, and it was always about you. And as far as your evolution is concerned, you can have Test take his mouth off your ass and stick the evolution right up it!

(*The fans in the Arena go crazy as Test and Triple H yell back at him with anger across their faces.*)

BATISTA: Boys, fans, GWF...Things around here, JUST GOT WICKED!

(*Batista drops the microphone to the mat as his music now plays. Hunter and Test disappear behind the curtain as Batista steps up on a ringpost and gives his famous evil grin to all the fans, that are now cheering him, almost like they are now his fans.*)

Jim Ross: Batista just making a major statement to the GWF, and perhaps the biggest impact in Triple H's career! Folks, don't go anywhere, things are just heating up!