Charlie H. Johnson, Jr.

Templeton, CA 93465

I've spent the past 30 years in the professions of student, teacher, itinerant historian, freelance writer and jack-of-all trades.


University of Denver, Western State College of Colorado, Gunnison, B.A., English and Theatre, M.A., English and Speech, History

University of Denver, University of Colorado, doctoral studies, Mass Communications

Photo by Rusty DeLucia

Books by:

American Critical Response to Two Plays by Jean Genet. Master’s Thesis, Western State College of Colorado,1966.

The Daniels & Fisher Tower: A Presence of the Past. Denver. The Tower Press, 1977.

The Central City Opera House--a 100 Year History. Colorado Springs, CO: Little London Press, 1980. Click here to find out more about this book

H.AW. Tabor and His Leadville Opera House. Denver: The Tower Press, 1980.

The Pacific Coast Railway Comes to Arroyo Grande--A Centennial History. Arroyo Grande, CA: The Arroyo Press, 1981.

Some Historical Background to the Country School Legacy: Frontier and Rural Schools in Colorado,1859-1950. ERIC/CRESS, 1981-1982. New Mexico State University-National Endowment for the Humanities.

The Pacific Coast Railway Southbound to Los Alamos---A Centennial History. Arroyo Grande, CA: The Arroyo Press, 1982.

1898: Charles F. Lummis Building El Alisal Before the Turn of the Century. Paso Robles, CA: The Mission Press, 1998. Click here to find out more about this book

Mysteries of the Murders at Mission San Miguel. Paso Robles, CA: The Mission Press, 1997. Click here to find out more about this book

Duplicity. New York: iUniverse, 2003. Click here to find out more about this book

Publisher & Editor, Pet Press & Animal News, (newspaper) October 2002 to date.


Randall Teeuwan & Andrew S. Gulliford. Country School Legacy: Humanities on the Frontier. Silt, CO: National Endowment for the Humanities, 1981.

Letty B. Zion. Fairview: True Tales of a Country Schoolhouse, “Introduction,” Denver: The Tower Press, 1981.

The March Hare "Noises," published with March 1, 1859...And Then Came Charlie! by John F. Becker. Paso Robles, CA: The California Association for Local History, 1986, The Mission Press, 1999.



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