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Hey there! Welcome to Scary Erika's. Glad to see you've ventured into our world! It's really not all that bad once you get used to it.

The site is in full swing right now. It's updated at least once a week, if not more. The whole summer is documented on here - I'm surprised I'm not a cam girl yet.

Check our the what's HOT box to get a quick glance at our latest super cool updates, or if you're not sure where you want to go - if the world of Erikas is just TOO overwhelming for you - take a spin on our wheel of greatness!

If you've got any beef about the site, you can post polite suggestions or comments on our new discussion board (see link below), or you could always just e-mail us at

I'm in the process of archiving some of the old pictures, so don't panick if you see some of your fave links dissapear. Just check the archives box at the bottom of the screen.

Thanks for visiting!

What's HOT!,

Here's the wheel! I've said it once, and I'll say it again - take it for a spin if you don't know where you're headed!

Kathleen's Get-Together

Land of the Lakes Concert

Laura's Surprise Party

Erika and Laura's Awesome Grad Pics

Grad - 2003

Erika's Drunken Party

Erika's 19th Birthday Party

Kathleen's Birthday Cake

Erika's room in Timmins

The SnowMAN

Visit the Gordikan Homepage

Watch a Clay Aiken slideshow!

Funny Pictures!

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