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Erika's 19th Birthday Party!!

Yeah, I sure did drink a lot that night. 3 Coolers, 4 Jell-O Shooters, 6 mixed drinks and 10 shooters.... and I'm alive to tell about it! What a night... here are some pics....

There aren't too many..... got too drunk to remember to take pictures!!

My cake!

Good ol' blurry picture of Kathleen half-tanked.

Mmmm.... my blue Loaded Soda.

A really scary picture of me... can you tell it's me? I don't know HOW that picture got taken.


Me.....drunk...... It seems like everytime I get loaded I do that...

A table full of booze.... how thoroughly enjoyable...

Nay, the next morning..... she doesn't looks like she's hurtin' too much!
