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Date: June 7th, 2003
Time: 9:00 pm - 10:48 pm
Location: Erika's basement....

Amber's still smilin' all pretty.... someone's not too drunk yet, that's why!!!

Kathleen and Deanna....

Loaded Soda and Thumbmaster.... what a perfect combination!

Keepin' up with tradition - I always do this when I'm drunk!!!


Oh sweet Jebus.... I don't even know what's goin' on there!!

'Atta girl Kathleen! Keep it up! Your liver will thank you for this when you're older!


Yucky gross disgusting medicine-like electric poopsicle.

Wow, somebody's in deep thought for a drunkard!

Getting there...... getting there...... almost there...... GONE!!!!!

Kathleen: through my drunk eyes.

Amber: through my drunk eyes.

This is the bestdrunk picture of Kathleen EVER!

Amber: through my even drunker eyes.

I don't remember anybody taking a picture of me!!


"Kiss my ass" says Amber.

"No!!! Not again!" say Deanna and Gryska.

Gryska.... always finding some way to make himself happy.

Blurry.... just like.... a person who needs glasses not wearing their glasses.

A table full of empty bottles - so sad....


This is me taking a picture of half-drunk Kathleen coming out of the bathroom.

This is Kathleen getting mad because I took a picture of her coming out of the bathroom. If you look closely enough, it almost looks like she's growing horns and metamorphing into a cruel, mean, devil-like being.

This is the earth shattering as Kathleen goes from evil make to not-quite-as-evil normal. Or... it's Ambers hair.... I can't tell.

This is Amber trying to capture Kathleen.

Here she is, still trying to capture Kathleen - what a trooper!

... she tackles her to the ground.......

And now they're friends again.

We sure can pack it all away, can't we!

It's almost time to go out to the bar! Will Deanna even make it?

Everyone chillaxin' (I can't believe I just used that word) before dad drove us to the bar!

Amber looks too comfy to go out!
