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Land of the Lakes Concert

The Land of the Lakes concert was held on Saturday, June 28th, 2003 at the Hollinger Park in Timmins. The bands featured included: High Holy Days, Puddy, Big Sugar, Swollen Members, Sam Roberts, Treble Charger and.... Our Lady Peace.

Now, unfortunately I don't have pictures of High Holy Days and Puddy, because I didn't go buy a camera until after they were done. But you can trust me when I say that Puddy generally sucked, and the basist from High Holy days was fuckin' HOT!

The Our Lady Peace pics didn't turn out that well because (1) It was night and my disposable camera really sucked, and (2) I was too far away while I had access to my camera. Although, at one point, I was at the FRONT of the crowd. Lucky me, eh?
