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Rememeber, if you don't see the Big Ole Fat Squirrel Leaning on the Rock Logo then, by golly, it's not officially licensed by the Big Ole Fat Squirrel Leaning on the Rock Association.

Today's Squirrel in the Spotlight

Gus "Fancy Feet" Rabinowitz

Some are calling him the next Big Ole Bad Ass Bert. But is this too much pressure to put on a young squirrel? Is it fair to compare him to a legend? I tell you this. He's something special all right. Sure he's got great talent. Just look at his stats. Bench-presses 580 lbs. 4.2 in the forty. A 44 inch vertical. But it's not his physical skills that make him exceptional. What makes him special is something you can't put down on a stat sheet. That intangible that lies in the cold gray area between victory and defeat. All the great ones have it. That certain fire in the belly and look in the eye that reveals the heart of a champion. "Fancy Feet" has that. That unmistakable determination to achieve victory no matter what the obstacle. That uncanny ability to make those around him better. When the chips are down and it's crunch time, lets just say, it wouldn't be wise to bet against him. So you ask if comparing him to a legend is putting too much pressure on him? Man, he thrives on that kind of pressure. Your talking about a squirrel with ice water coursing through his veins. He possesses a mental toughness that can't be taught my friend. You mark my words. Years from now, when his playing career is long over and he scurries up some tree in some small town, folks are going to say, "There goes Gus "Fancy Feet" Rabinowitz, the best squirrel ever to play the game."