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Try this for a starter test!

1. Who is my Sociology teacher?  What level is this subject?

2. Which newspapers should I consider reading to help with this subject?

3. Name one tv programme that might contribute ideas to this subject.

4. Which room do I have to go to get taught Sociology?

5. What is the name of the magazine that Mr. Thomas twisted my arm to buy?

6. What does the word 'science' mean?

7. In which century was the first sociology book written?

8. Name the FOUR founding fathers of Sociology.  What did they use for their source material?

9. What is the address of the web site that Mr. T has created to help me?

10. Which E mail address should I use to send him work for marking?

11. What is a traditional family?  And what are traditional family values?

12. Name the types of family that might not be considered to be traditional.

13. Name three 'other' sociologists that you have heard or read about so far.

14. Functionalism means ---------------------------------- ?

15. Marxism is one of the following?

a] A comedy channel on Sky   b] The name of a sociological perspective

c] A type of fungi found on the Isle of Man?

16. Feminists were influence by which Sociological perspective?

17. Name two Sociology text books?

18. I have to renew my text books at the library- weekly - monthly or what?

19. Name the examination board that sets this exam?  When will I sit the papers and how many are there?

20. How long is the coursework that goes with this subject?