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Malevolence (2004)

Malevolence (2004)

"Better call your missing persons bureau. Tell them...
we've got a lot of unhappy endings up here." - Police Officer

Malevolence is a movie that actually surprised me. My expectations were some complete cheese-fest, but this movie actually exceeded my expectations, and I found it to be an average slasher flick.

The film starts out with a little boy watching a madman murder a woman in cold blood. (Apparently the little boy turns out to be the killer in the events that take place in the future). From there we meet a group of people (Julian, his girlfriend Marilyn, and her brother Kurt) who are planning on robbing a bank. After robbing, Kurt ends up dying on the way to their secret hide-out. In the meantime, another accomplice, Max, ends up taking a woman and her young daughter hostage. Max takes them to an old abandoned house in the middle of nowhere and ties them up. The daughter ends up escaping, and runs to another old house that lies next to an abandoned slaughterhouse. Max runs after her, but ends up getting slaughtered by a psychopath in the house. From there on, Marilyn and Julian show up at the old house, and little do they know, they are being watched by the mad murderer.

I don't want to get into too much detail, it could spoil the movie, but I actually kind of enjoyed this movie. It had some very creepy locations (abandoned houses, buildings, etc. tend to creep me out, yet I'm fascinated with them), and it also had some pretty good scares. Some of the music tends to sound like the Halloween theme, but not quite. One thing I liked about this film was that it was a throwback to the older slashers (reminded me a little of Halloween, mixed with a hint of Texas Chainsaw).

Malevolence had a decent story, some good scares and gore, and ok acting. I'd say that it was a pretty good movie for being an indie-horror flick, and will please most horror fans. Anchor Bay Entertainment treated this film well, giving it a pretty good DVD release. If you're a fan of older slasher films, you will probably enjoy this.

Starring: Samantha Dark, R. Brandon Johnson, and Heather Magee
Theatrical Release: September 10, 2004
Directed By: Stevan Mena

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My rating (out of 5 stars):

[Film Library]