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Suspiria (1977)

Suspiria (1977)

"Suzy, what do you know about witches?" -Sara

Suspiria is the only Dario Argento film I've seen, but it's quite a beautiful horror film. Not because of the gore or violence, because of all of the colors and lights, and the eerie music. Suspiria is about an American dancer, Suzy Banyon, who travels to Europe to attend a ballet school in the middle of the woods.

While staying there, Suzy makes some new friends, but also begins to notice strange things happening at the school that she can't explain. Then people start to die in really gruesome ways...

I don't want to spoil it, but it isn't a slasher movie (like it may sound from my brief plot outline). It is more of a supernatural murder-mystery type film. Suspiria really sets a mood and a feeling for it, and the music is creepy and unlike anything I've heard before. The score is very effective. The colors used here are great, all kinds of bright pinks, blues, yellows, etc. Not often to do you see such bright tones in horror films. The whole movie is very colorful, and is surely eye candy. There are also some creative death scenes too that are very violent.

The opening scene was very, very gruesome. And the final 12 minutes keep you on the edge of your seat. I'd recommend this, and if you want to buy it on DVD, get the 3-disc limited edition set, it's the way to go. Trust me, I bought it and it's a lot better than the regular DVD release, it includes the regular film disc with a slew of features, and the 2 additional discs are a documentary and the soundtrack. They even threw in some collectible stills and a thick booklet. Overall, this is a pretty good horror film and the beautiful colors and score Argento uses will draw you in and set a certain mood, I can't explain it, although the movie may not appeal to some.

Starring: Jessica Harper and Stefani Casini
Theatrical Release: August 12, 1977
Directed By: Dario Argento

My rating (out of 5 stars):

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