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My Stitches Come Undone
Saturday, 21 February 2004
Pulling Teeth
Well....I know I havn't written in this in a while, but with the fact the my computer breaks down every five minutes is making it a bit difficult. I've been having problems lately, but I'm ok I think. I'm over my boss....finally. I'm going to go see my dad and sister soon. And well, I got my wisdom teeth pulled yesturday at about 4pm. My mouth hurts like crazy, cuz of course with my luck my teeth were in the positions that hurt the most. I'm on vicodin, and i've got an ice pack by my side. I get to eat apple sauce and pudding when I can. Maybe now that I have nothing to do, can't work, go to school, or hang out with anyone is the perfect time to get working on some of those art assignments of been avoiding. I feel bad, my best friend moved away and I hardly call her or talk to her... I think its sort of a defense mechanism. I miss her like crazy, but when I'm reminded she's not around it makes me sad. I know its making her feel like I don't care, but I do. On another note, I hate it when you've been so fucking deceived by a person, you honestly with everything inside of you believed this person was someone really good inside and really an honest person. When you find out it was all a lie, it sorta hurts....

Posted by scary/ifyouseeme0 at 12:28 PM PST
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