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The Prego Life

The Prego Life

(This is me at about 6 months...I can't really fit into that shirt anymore)

Who? Irene and Joshua

What? A baby girl!


It was sometime in early April when I found out that I was knocked up. Even though I had taken a test 2 weeks earlier that said I was negative, I somehow knew that it had to be wrong. I guess I already knew I was pregnant before I had any proof. I really don't know how I knew (motherly instinct is the only explanation) but I felt different in ways I never felt before. For example, I lost my desire to drink any kind of alcohol all of a sudden, which was really weird because I had been drinking lots beforehand. And sure enough, when I took a second test, it came out positive just like I thought it would.


Quincy, Illinois ... I moved back to Washington during my 5th month though. There was no way I was gonna go through all of this BS in a place I hardly knew (and hardly liked). I knew it was best to be closer to my family in Washington where I could get the moral support that I needed. Hey I'm new at this and I need all the help I can get! Life is hardly a breeze now but I'm doing better than I would be back in helltown.

How? If you haven't figured out by now... Storks is what I hear...

Name: Divina Amore Garner (meaning "Divine LOVE")

Due Date: Late November-Early December

Pickles & pickled stuff(It's so cliche, but true)
Hot and spicy stuff
All kinds of oriental foods (Chinese buffets are a Godsend)

Overall Feelings: Although this may be the toughest 9 months of my life, with its emotional ups and downs, in the end it's all worth it. I don't regret anything because children are a blessing and I am so happy that I am blessed. The moment I finally see my child face to face, is the moment all my struggles during the past 9 months disappear from my mind.

Pregnant Joke of the Day:

What do you call people who don't use condoms?

Parents. So think about it.

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